Careful w/ your cell phone... Check out this article.

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
The ACLU is trying to keep us informed...

We live in a police state of whose choosing?

Not mine, not anybody I know....
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
The idiots who thought Homeland Security needed lots of leeway in order to protect our citizens. It's just an excuse to intrude into the lives of everyone.

I'm sure that includes someone you know. We all know someone who thinks it's a good idea because they didn't think it through. Oh well... Going to be a LOT harder to take back rights once lost.
Thank grouchy, unfulfilled middle aged women and the faggots...

These are the 2 groups that have been setting policy in this country for the past 2 decades. And it's all about stifling the redblooded, heterosexual american man.

Because we refuse to fuck the fags, and the women that are 60 to 200 pounds overweight and dress like lumberjacks!
sixxbach's Avatar
Thank grouchy, unfulfilled middle aged women and the faggots...

These are the 2 groups that have been setting policy in this country for the past 2 decades. And it's all about stifling the redblooded, heterosexual american man.

Because we refuse to fuck the fags, and the women that are 60 to 200 pounds overweight and dress like lumberjacks! Originally Posted by saj1000
I love women but come on with the gay slander. Why do they bother you so much?

PornPet69's Avatar
The ACLU is trying to keep us informed...

Scary... Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Wow that is mess up, thank you for the info. Also if anybody didn't know, you cannot text while driving anymore.
rCoder's Avatar

Learn it. Live it.
Encryption is your friend. As are the various hardened thumb drives. There are also drives disguised as watches, pens, belt buckles and pendants.

I use Keeper on my phone for really sensitive stuff. Five wrong tries in thirty minutes (oops, sorry, that's an hour, or maybe ...) and it wipes the stuff clean as a whistle. And iOS 4 wipes erased data on the spot.

Okay, I'm a "nuke the fuckers back to the stone age", but "Homeland" Security (Fatherland? Motherland? get the picture?) is just screwing us over way to much.
Heck, that's just the start of things to come. There are now tracking chips in our tires, packaging materials, and other products, and one day ID chips will be in our bodies. Big brother is not just about the good ole USofA any longer. It a global issue. One day every person in the world will be accountable and trackable (sooner than you think). Every cell phone conversation you make is being monitored at a station in this country by Homeland Security. Same with email and every form of online communication. What a lot of governments are doing around the world to take away our rights as human beings and free people is unspeakable. The New World Order is not a joke. If you are on the grid in anyway you can be tracked within minutes. Our freedoms are being tore away from us one by one and made into laws based on fear. Kat is exactly right about once they take them away it is much much harder to get them back. There are devices out there right now that can extract information from a digital strip ... such as your credit card ... just by physically walking by you. Technology is great but like anything else if used for the wrong purpose ... it will be our demise.
Thank grouchy, unfulfilled middle aged women and the faggots...

These are the 2 groups that have been setting policy in this country for the past 2 decades. And it's all about stifling the redblooded, heterosexual american man.

Because we refuse to fuck the fags, and the women that are 60 to 200 pounds overweight and dress like lumberjacks!

We live in a police state of whose choosing?

Not mine, not anybody I know.... Originally Posted by saj1000
That is just totally absurd. Point your finger at the world banks (Federal Reserve) and the religous groups.

We the people vote these clowns into office. Bush W. invaded a foreign country on false premises. That action alone sped up dramatically the process of eliminating our freedoms. Did you support this action with your vote/voice? Which clown did you vote for? So depending on who you voted into office it could be very well your own choosing.
budman33's Avatar
Its a forensics tool, one of many. To use in a traffic stop is pretty stupid though. I haven't used that particular technology but as part of Incident handling after an incident has occurred they work great.

if the 'Incident' is getting pulled over in your car... I don't get it. I have only investigated phones if the company thought you were uploading company data, porn, intellectual secrets, using it as a botnet, etc.. on it instead of a flash drive, etc.

go go ACLU, I agree with them.. this time
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank grouchy, unfulfilled middle aged women and the faggots...

These are the 2 groups that have been setting policy in this country for the past 2 decades. And it's all about stifling the redblooded, heterosexual american man.

Because we refuse to fuck the fags, and the women that are 60 to 200 pounds overweight and dress like lumberjacks! Originally Posted by saj1000
This is just my opinion, but you, sir, are WAY out of line with that hate talk. I don't know who you're trying to shock or impress with it, or if just feel that insecure, but that kind of language has no place anywhere in decent society. In my opinion, of course. I can't speak for anybody else.

So speaking for myself, I respectfully asking you to please can the hate talk. It's shameful.

Regarding the topic of this thread -- I have to agree with Kat on this one. Liberties are nigh on impossible to regain once they've been taken away. I keep waiting for them to do away with the Patriot Act. Don't think it'll ever go completely away. And I don't feel one bit safer because of it!
isnt that illegal to search you without a warrant????
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Something else you probably haven't thought about is that your medical records are being sold by data miners gathering/buying them from pharmacies. If anybody in your family has had a history of any hereditary disease, mental disorder or criminal activity it is probably on your record. You think maybe a potential employer might want to know that your great grandfather suffered from enlarged scrotum syndrome? You think you have a choice in the matter? Even if the law is written to protect your privacy, you don't have any because there are too many predators unregulated.

The HITECH act in ARRA deals with some of it, but where there are billions on the table, sneaky mofos will find a way to get it. Even at the expense of your privacy. Kinda like outing a fellow ECCIE member, only a "tad" worse because you'll never know it!

Exactly how much is a "tad" anyway? I think the answer can be found in the Book of Airplane, Volume II, Act 3, Scene ....
rCoder's Avatar
It's a little worse than that. Pharmacies and medical offices are now required to send all patient info to the federal government. According to the executive order that established this requirement, the feds may then provide the gathered information to any government agency, any foreign government, and any company. This is what is known as "medical privacy". Thank you Bill Clinton.