Truer Words Were Never Spoken

BigLouie's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Originally Posted by BigLouie
It's a house of cards.
It's a house of cards. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Unfortunately true.

The stock market hasn't done anything except get back to where it was before the crash. So we have tread water for 4 years. I am NOT saying that is Obama's fault. It is better than having stocks still in toilet.

But it wasn't Obama or Congress that got the Dow Jones back up to a 4 year high.

The companies themselves got their stock prices back up by cutting their costs - a/k/a laying off workers and cutting salaries until they became profitable again.

We got rid of a lot of excess capacity. Companies are leaner.

But now we have a lot of unemployed workers and slow growth.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
It's a house of cards. Originally Posted by joe bloe
like these?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What happens to the stock market when QE III fails just like the first two, inflation goes to 5%, the debt increases another trillion dollars, and GM goes back into bankruptcy? I don't think you understand macroeconomics or the stock market.
I just love you pricks in your import hoping a American company goes bankrupt....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hoping??? You are a sick little piggy and ignorant of history. GM has already gone bankrupt. Obama got them from out of the bankruptcy laws that would have required renegoiated union contracts. GM is still losing money. They looked good for a while but anyone would look good with over $50 billion of taxpayer money. Now that Japan is back in the game and the unions are milking the life blood again GM will fail. There is no hope, no glee, just the cold knowledge of the immutable laws of economic physics.
john_deere's Avatar
that santorum pic is awesomeness. what a prick.
Hoping??? You are a sick little piggy and ignorant of history. GM has already gone bankrupt. Obama got them from out of the bankruptcy laws that would have required renegoiated union contracts. GM is still losing money. They looked good for a while but anyone would look good with over $50 billion of taxpayer money. Now that Japan is back in the game and the unions are milking the life blood again GM will fail. There is no hope, no glee, just the cold knowledge of the immutable laws of economic physics. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Fuck you strong message to follow....
LexusLover's Avatar
That's why it is now called Government Motors.

The future:

"Now where is the taxpayers' $535 million?"
Fuck you strong message to follow.... Originally Posted by ekim008
Before you do, you might want to check some fresh article links on Drudge. Looks like the US is still deep in the red if they tried to sell GM stock right now.
Iaintliein's Avatar
To my simple mind a stock certificate is a negotiable instrument supposedly backed by value, at one time the same could have been said for the US dollar. When you devalue the dollar de-facto by announcing your intention to simply print more the exchange rate has to be adjusted.

This has nothing to do with the value of the stock or the expectations of future values, this is simply saying the dollar is worth less today than a week ago.