Who Wins First Presidential Debate

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Let's see if we can get some consensus on who won the first Presidential debate tonight, Wednesday Oct 3, 2012.

President Obama is coming in with a slight lead in the polls so he just needs to maintain that lead.

Mitt Romney has an uphill battle to fight and he needs to convince the people that he can do a better job than President Obama.

. . . So who do you think won the first debate tonight? But don't vote until the debates are over!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
As of right now Odumbo is sucking it big time.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Romney seems to be wiping the floor with Obama.

BO is going to need a standing 8 count.
john_deere's Avatar
it doesn't matter. they wouldn't let gary johnson participate, so WE lose!
GQ Romantic's Avatar
Won't matter Romney's not gonna win anyway! That you can count on. Not gonna be close!!!
Screen_Name's Avatar
Very surprised...that's all I'll say.
I will say this again and again role reversal of Bush and Kerry.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
1. He proposed to Michelle twenty years ago? I thought they got married 20 years ago. I doubt he proposed and got married the same day

2. Get rid of oil depletion???????????????? That is the same as depreciation, an accounting principle that has been used for at least 100 years

3. Lied about Mitt's tax increases 3 times
cptjohnstone's Avatar
1. He proposed to Michelle twenty years ago? I thought they got married 20 years ago. I doubt he proposed and got married the same day

2. Get rid of oil depletion???????????????? That is the same as depreciation, an accounting principle that has been used for at least 100 years

3. Lied about Mitt's tax increases 3 times

4. did not do well without his teleprompter, as predicted
They both had an iPad with an internet connection....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-03-2012, 08:49 PM
I think Mitt looked better early but Obama came on.

I would give a slight edge to Mitt but CNN had a tracker on undecided in Colo and Obama did well with women. I did not see anything to change the trend. But again Mitt looked better early, much better IMHO.
Budman's Avatar
We need to give Obama a bit of a break here. He has been dealing with all of the problems in the middle east and has not had the time to practice for this debate.

Hold on a minute. He hasn't done anything with the crisis in the ME unless he was taking care of it in Vegas. He did practice for the debate.

Never mind. Obama sucks ass.
Who gives a FUCK what I think? But I think...fuckers.
markroxny's Avatar
Ok, you all know I am an Obama supporter, but I have to be honest. In terms of what Romney needed to do, he "won" tonight.

He stayed on his message, he was assertive, he made direct eye contact with the President and he tried to take away all of Obama's arguments.

Now, it's interesting because on many occasions Romney ducked and dodged his own positions, he denied and denied and denied, but the President never pressed him. Obama bitch slapped his facts a couple of times but never had him on the ropes. Romney was slightly on the defensive on the RomneyCare/Obama Care area, but not enough to knock him down.

The president was competent but mainly didn't show up for this. I don't think however if that's gonna be enough to save Romney, it will help tighten the race, but Romney will not get himself to 270 electoral votes before Obama does on election night.

And over the next few days Romney's contradictions with his own former statements will be exposed on the news channels. And I still can't believe that Romney told the moderator that he intended to cut the funding that pays him! Also Romney is still avoiding details and Obama pointed that out well. And it was almost unbelievable that Romney will not admit he's cutting taxes on wealthy people. And he got away with it too!

But if I'm being honest, Romney took this one on style, not substance. If there was a winner, he won this debate.
CBS just released their tracking poll of uncommitted voters, and Romney was the clear winner, in all counts, 49% to 27%, the rest a tie.

I agree.