Romney walks back on 47% comments

Again proving that he will say or do be president, Romney did a 180 on his 47% comments yesterday. After spending the weeks after the leaking of the 47% video defending his comments, he changed his mind and says he was wrong.

Flip-flopping weasel.
Again proving that he will say or do be president, Romney did a 180 on his 47% comments yesterday. After spending the weeks after the leaking of the 47% video defending his comments, he changed his mind and says he was wrong.

Flip-flopping weasel. Originally Posted by wimpage

More hypocrisy from the wimp......

Q: Why didn't Odumbo bring up the 47% lie in debate?

A: Because Romney would have responded in a way to take the 47% lie
away from Odumbo and he wouldn't be able to use it in ads anymore...
markroxny's Avatar
If it's a lie Marshall, than why is Willard the flip flopping jackass still apologizing for it?

What an idiot. He just won a debate, it was starting to make people forget his 47% gaff that was killing what's the first thing he does after winning a debate? He brings it up again???

This guy loves to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
More hypocrisy from the wimp......

Q: Why didn't Odumbo bring up the 47% lie in debate?

A: Because Romney would have responded in a way to take the 47% lie
away from Odumbo and he wouldn't be able to use it in ads anymore... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
What was a "lie" about the 47% comments?

And, I thought you and the rest of the mouth-breathers supported and believed in the 47% comments? No? You're walking it back now too?

What would Romney have done to "take away" the "lie"? Finally admit he was wrong? Like he should have done the day after the story broke? Instead of doing exactly the opposite and doubling down on the comments? Should he now also admit he was wrong about repeatedly stating he was right after the story broke?

Flip flopping weasel who would strip naked and pole dance on live network television if he thought it would get him into the White House. No principles, no values, no spine.
What was a "lie" about the 47% comments?

And, I thought you and the rest of the mouth-breathers supported and believed in the 47% comments? No? You're walking it back now too?

What would Romney have done to "take away" the "lie"? Finally admit he was wrong? Like he should have done the day after the story broke? Instead of doing exactly the opposite and doubling down on the comments? Should he now also admit he was wrong about repeatedly stating he was right after the story broke?

Flip flopping weasel who would strip naked and pole dance on live network television if he thought it would get him into the White House. No principles, no values, no spine. Originally Posted by wimpage

Did I upset you?.....sorry.....go back to your delusions and be sure to remove all sharp objects and rope from your trailer before November 6th..........
Did I upset you?.....sorry.....go back to your delusions and be sure to remove all sharp objects and rope from your trailer before November 6th.......... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
It's like having a conversation with a small child or a retarded person.....
It's like having a conversation with a small child or a retarded person..... Originally Posted by wimpage

Just disregard my previous advice.......
No worries.
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  • WTF
  • 10-05-2012, 08:28 AM
Just disregard my previous advice....... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
You gotta admit timpage, that was kinda funny!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You righty, TParrotriot checker players, can't you grasp a rope-a-dope when you see one? The Prez facilitated Mitt's ego expansion and let him lie his ass off and watched as he flip/flopped onstage like a fish out of water.

The next 2 Presidential debates, plus the VP debate starring Mad Dog Joe, ought to be pretty interesting. We'll see how light Mitt and Paul are on their feet.