Talk about Bait and Switch

  • Sami
  • 05-22-2011, 10:11 PM
Ok me and some lady's where talking about this the other night.
Guy's scream about lady's not being the package they see? I understand them completely I do!!!

But seems the guy's do this too When your out and ME see's a nice looking man and you are looking him up and down, get that wetness saying holy shit what I could do with that.. His package all pulled forward nice and bulging.. uh huh girls you know what I am talking about. You pursue and even take your time.

And you get to that POINT reach down below, And all that package is ALL BALLS NOW what the hell? Why do guy's do that? Bait & Switch
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I've never heard it called that ...too funny Sami ! Lol
I hate to say this. But that may very well be the dumbest thing anyone has posted on here so far.
RickForFun's Avatar
I hate to say this. But that may very well be the dumbest thing anyone has posted on here so far. Originally Posted by acp5762
Wicket's Avatar

And you get to that POINT reach down below, And all that package is ALL BALLS NOW what the hell? Why do guy's do that? Bait & Switch Originally Posted by Sami
It's called "Wonderbriefs" by the makers of the "Wonderbra" - surprised you didn't know about it.....oh, well - do your homework, screen, screen, screen!!! I suggest you "reach down below" the minute you meet the man. I mean instead of shaking hands, he won't mind and you won't be surprised, win!!
I love big balls....feels nice slapping against my clit during doggie....
Sort of like a padded bra or mm's. Deceptive advertising.
  • Sami
  • 05-23-2011, 07:33 AM
You might think it's dumb, but this happens. Just like Bull, Ed posted above about the wonder bra.

I hate to say this. But that may very well be the dumbest thing anyone has posted on here so far. Originally Posted by acp5762
shorty's Avatar
Not the typical Bait N Switch thread that I thought it would be. That was some funny shit Sami!! Least you don't have to worry about the Bait N Switch with me!!LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar
I just threw up in my mouth just a little bit... BLEH!
  • Sami
  • 05-23-2011, 08:23 AM

Not the typical Bait N Switch thread that I thought it would be. That was some funny shit Sami!! Least you don't have to worry about the Bait N Switch with me!!LOL Originally Posted by shorty
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Yeah ugh big balls are't sexy if they are connected to something the size of a vienna sausage.
Hey now... nothing wrong with big balls, just a little more to suckle
too funny...

see you get bait and switch with me at times...cuz most times, when i'm in my jeans- slim and the twins, just kinda chill and retreat...

yet- when they come out to play....everyone is pleasantly surprised...

i wish I could walk around with a boner, like women show their cleavage....

that way I would not have to have any game at all...