I do not think this applies to us, but still funny
Found this gem, figured I would share.
^^^Pretty darn funny.^^^
Unfortunately, pretty Damn truthful.
Very funny. I wish it were true. It would save me a lot of money...
Haha! You know if you're not married you are saving money. I remember one provider at a social was talking about a gentleman she knew from another city. Said he got him a Russian girlfriend from overseas dating site. She said why didn't he just stick to hobbying, doesn't he know it's cheaper? But the once a year? Oh heeeelll no! It looks funny for sure! But I need 2 to 4 providers a month. But still get quality service. And I'm a testicular cancer survivor. I only have one jewel left and it works double! So the load I leave in the wrapper, oh shit!! Then 6 hours later oh man! Ya so I still space it out too. There should be a weekly one for the 40yo+ guys. Haha
Not every other month. Boo!
That rack of condoms is labeled
"Married Men Only"