Predictions anyone?

We are 5 days away from election day 2012. I believe the race for President will be very close but it appears that Obama has an easier path to an electoral victory than Romney. Call it poetic justice, if you will, I also believe there is a 20-30% chance that Romney will win the popular vote count but lose the election. (Shades of 2000)

I predict a narrow Obama victory, with 284 electoral votes.

The Senate will remain in Democratic hands by the same 53-47 margin.

The House of Representatives will remain in Republican control by 10-12 seat margin. (Perhaps next time, Nancy)
I predict if mittens wins the repubs have saved GWB's Mission accomplished sign to hang behind Mitt on the big day...
I predict if mittens wins the repubs have saved GWB's Mission accomplished sign to hang behind Mitt on the big day... Originally Posted by ekim008
No doubt that has been the Republicans main objective from Day 1 of the Obama Administration. Rush announced during Obama's first days in office that he hoped for a failed Obama Presidency. Not to be outdone, Mitch McConnell claimed shortly thereafter the primary Republican agenda was to make certain that Obama was a one term President. So much for the notion of an America first Republican, legislative agenda!

I can only hope that the two Overbearing Windbags, Rush and Mitch, will have a very long night next Tuesday.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
We are 5 days away from election day 2012. I believe the race for President will be very close but it appears that Obama has an easier path to an electoral victory than Romney. Call it poetic justice, if you will, I also believe there is a 20-30% chance that Romney will win the popular vote count but lose the election. (Shades of 2000)

I predict a narrow Obama victory, with 284 electoral votes.

The Senate will remain in Democratic hands by the same 53-47 margin.

The House of Representatives will remain in Republican control by 10-12 seat margin. (Perhaps next time, Nancy) Originally Posted by bigtex
Mighty bold talk for a gray haired fat man.

bt...I've noticed that when you take of your political hat and observe things realistically you usually are 90% correct in your predictions.
But this race is just too close to call.
Heads Romney..Tails Obama.
Mighty bold talk for a gray haired fat man.

bt...I've noticed that when you take of your political hat and observe things realistically you usually are 90% correct in your predictions.
But this race is just too close to call.
Heads Romney..Tails Obama. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
+1....this thing could go either way.

We'll find out next Tuesday night.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I predict that there will be general disgruntlement no matter who wins, and that the economy will stay muddled for a while as things don't get fixed overnight just because the management changes.
Election is over....Romney won......
I predict that there will be general disgruntlement no matter who wins, and that the economy will stay muddled for a while as things don't get fixed overnight just because the management changes. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

I won't be will get better starting next week after Romney's victory speach......
LexusLover's Avatar
Predictions anyone?

That I will have a better year next year than this year. Because no matter who gets it, "my" implemented plan to improve "my" economy has worked and I have been able to "balance" my budget and eliminate my "debt" in anticipation of ... more of the same or an austerity plan to reduce government and debt.

If Obmaninable wins ... things will look bleak for the Dems on 2016. That's my prediction. Hillary is finished and the clown Bidenoxious has been banished to the Clowns' Hall of Fame.

Hopefully, Ms. Obaminable's veggies will grow for 4 years.
markroxny's Avatar
Romney has no clear path to 270 and he knows it. He is already losing the early voting.

Dispite Marshall, Joe's and Whirly's delusions and even the popular vote, I don't see how Romney can win.

President Barack Hussein Obama, 2nd Term!
LexusLover's Avatar
Romney has no clear path to 270 ..! Originally Posted by markroxny

You are poll watching again ...

.... or were you speaking of the early voting in New Jersey?

I'm not worried about the "early voting" .....

... I'm looking for the "late returns" long after the polls are closed to assure there are sufficient votes to carry the electoral votes in the state.

Ala Kennedy in 1960.
tttalinky's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-01-2012, 11:27 AM
You are poll watching again ...

.... or were you speaking of the early voting in New Jersey?

I'm not worried about the "early voting" .....

... I'm looking for the "late returns" long after the polls are closed to assure there are sufficient votes to carry the electoral votes in the state.

Ala Kennedy in 1960. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I predict Willard MUST win every swing state on the map if he loses Ohio ...
chefnerd's Avatar
Regardless who wins, we will still be told the same thing the doctor at the military induction said:

"Bend over, grab your cheeks, and crack a smile."
Mighty bold talk for a gray haired fat man.

bt...I've noticed that when you take of your political hat and observe things realistically you usually are 90% correct in your predictions.
But this race is just too close to call.
Heads Romney..Tails Obama. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Nothing bold about it at all. The popular vote is extremely close but the path to 270 electoral votes is much easier for Obama than Romney. With California, Illinois and NY safely tucked away, it provides a mighty soft 104 electoral votes cushion for the Prez from only 3 states.

The very repectable Real Clear Politics (Whirly's words, not mine) is an excellent source for updated information.

I do believe the popular vote will be closer than the electoral college, probably within 1-2 percentage points. I would be the first to admit that the popular vote could go either way!

But it's all about the electoral college and in my opinion that is a tough nut for Mitt to crack! I predict a narrow electoral college (284-254) win for Obama!

We'll see how close I am on November 7!