This forum is a cesspool

Of bad trolls, wanna-be pundits, and people who don't turn off their respective news channel for two seconds to take a breath of fresh air.

This is the off-topic board, brosephs. It's where all the ridiculous shit that can't be posted elsewhere goes. Sure, politics are one of those, but never have I seen such a one dimensional forum.

Don't believe me? On the general forums page, this forum is described as "humorous threads", but underneath it, there is another sub forum for humor. Wat? O eye kno! eye kno! the mods saw what a cesspit this was and made a sub forum, because the OT posters don't understand how to OT correctly.

Let's start.

The video game sticky? Really? You took the off-topic forum, and made a stick for vidya? Why? So you could make more room for people with nothing interesting to say to debate politics?

Take off the vidya sticky. Let people who want to talk vidya talk vidya. Do you realize how massive the gaming world and gaming culture is? You can't contain that to one thread. Seriously, I want to make fun of all the Call Of Duty fags here. You know you're out there.

Ok, movies? Does anyone watch movies? Sports teams? I would sure as hell enjoy threads on NFL rivalry or soccer clubs over the American Political Circus anyday.

Does anyone like music? Ever seen this thread "What do you listen to while working?" "What album are you currently rocking?" "Recommend some bands" "Sex playlists?" ? No? Use the internet more.

What about mindless bullshit, good old troll threads that aren't LOLIMCONSERVATIVE LOLIMLIBTARD. It's old.

Good memes? No one on here is a reddit user or channer? Really? Does anyone have a passing interest in technology?

Fishing, bowling, photography, art, blogging, philosophy (not this pseudo pundit bullshit, REAL philosophy), aliens, conspiracy theories, TV shows?

I want to help you all be good poasters, but I fear that you all are lost.

Maybe the people who go on the OT here are all just old and bored and out of touch, but seriously, this is such a bad OT. It's cancer full blown AIDS level bad. Your top poster is a guy who spams articles from the American Sort of Thinkerer.

I'm serious. World of Warcraft had better forums than this back in the day. That's strongfail, bros.
markroxny's Avatar
I understand your frustration

It's an election year and we have a lot of partisans who need a place to vent. This level of vitriol will be over soon....Tuesday in fact.
So, it only got like this recently? Let me browse the forums history.
markroxny's Avatar
So, it only got like this recently? Let me browse the forums history. Originally Posted by Sativa Slims
Nooo, but I think it's at a fever pitch right now because of the election. You came at the worst possible time. LOL

That is a good OT thread. If it wasn't 6 months old I'd BAMP it so hard. So so hard. I want to talk about rave culture.

I had to go back to page like... 50,000,000 to find it though.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-02-2012, 11:24 AM
and here you are Sat, bitching and moaning about what? oh yeah, other people bitching and moaning.

dissect that sport.
and here you are Sat, bitching and moaning about what? oh yeah, other people bitching and moaning.

dissect that sport. Originally Posted by CJ7
Really? I've posted the only thing worth reading on this forum in a month. U mad because I'm punking on your soapbox?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Punk away, kiddo.

In fact, on Wednesday, it would be great to go back to talking about NOTHING again. Of course, on that day, I'll go back to talking about pussy pretty much fulltime again ... the other dipshits and slunts here probably will not.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-02-2012, 11:57 AM
Really? I've posted the only thing worth reading on this forum in a month. U mad because I'm punking on your soapbox? Originally Posted by Sativa Slims
your opinion, and no Im not mad in the least

but yes, really

zip up your pants, your hypocrisy is showing
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Really? I've posted the only thing worth reading on this forum in a month. U mad because I'm punking on your soapbox? Originally Posted by Sativa Slims

It may be too hard for your little mind to understand this...but this forum is very funny and interesting to alot of us. Half the crap that is posted the poster doesn't even believe . We are all anonymous here at that frees one to say anything we god damn want.

And as much as it sounds like we all hate each other.....deep down there's a respect for each other whether it 's admitted or not.

I remember a long time ago I was in London's Piccadilly Circus. At the enterance to Carnaby Street there was a podium set up where people would spew their own political views against their rivals. The speech sometimes was toxic and it could tear the skin off your back. Lots of yelling back and forth..

But....when 5 o'clock came around they all packed it up and met at the pub for a drink.

This place kinda reminds me of that.

It may be a cesspool...but it's our cesspool.
It may be too hard for your little mind to understand this...but this forum is very funny and interesting to alot of us. Half the crap that is posted the poster doesn't even believe . We are all anonymous here at that frees one to say anything we god damn want.

And as much as it sounds like we all hate each other.....deep down there's a respect for each other whether it 's admitted or not.

I remember a long time ago I was in London's Piccadilly Circus. At the enterance to Carnaby Street there was a podium set up where people would spew their own political views against their rivals. The speech sometimes was toxic and it could tear the skin off your back. Lots of yelling back and forth..

But....when 5 o'clock came around they all packed it up and met at the pub for a drink.

This place kinda reminds me of that.

It may be a cesspool...but it's our cesspool. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I'm saying that this forum blows because that's ALL that is talked about, or at least currently. It's boring. You can sap on about deep respects blah blah, it's the internet. I checked my brain at the door a long time ago.

All that anonymity and the most creative thing you can cook is politics? tut tut...
markroxny's Avatar

I'm saying that this forum blows because that's ALL that is talked about, or at least currently. It's boring. You can sap on about deep respects blah blah, it's the internet. I checked my brain at the door a long time ago.

All that anonymity and the most creative thing you can cook is politics? tut tut... Originally Posted by Sativa Slims
It is what it is, your thread aint gonna change it.

I suggest you either just leave the form and stop reading it if it bothers you so much,


continue to hound Marshall just for kicks. It's lots of fun.
It is what it is, your thread aint gonna change it.

I suggest you either just leave the form and stop reading it if it bothers you so much,


continue to hound Marshall just for kicks. It's lots of fun. Originally Posted by markroxny
This. It's not driving me mad. Trust me. I'm lol'ing. I really have never seen such a shit OT before though. Like I said, not even WoW was this bad... dude... That's bringing it to a new level of cesspit.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-02-2012, 12:22 PM
This. It's not driving me mad. Trust me. I'm lol'ing. I really have never seen such a shit OT before though. Like I said, not even WoW was this bad... dude... That's bringing it to a new level of cesspit. Originally Posted by Sativa Slims

which begs the question

why are you here?
which begs the question

why are you here? Originally Posted by CJ7
Because brah... I'm real fringe.

Also, it doesn't beg the question... it raises the question... >.>