No Review Request

LearnedHand's Avatar
any rules on this board re: providers who do not want to be reviewed.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Yes there are a couple of things to know.

ECCIE does not honor or enforce a provider's wish for no reviews unless she has previously requested a No Review Policy with Eccie.

In order for such a policy to be granted she must not advertise her services ANYWHERE on the internet nor can she have a showcase if she's an Eccie member.

Lots of girls try to claim they have a no review policy but it means absolutely nothing here unless those conditions are meant. It's the clients' prerogative. She may decline to see you again but unless she's got an official NRP here we don't remove it.

By the way, no need to worry if a girl has an NRP or not, your review will still receive credit we will just remove it to a staff area and send you a PM letting you know. It's not a violation of guidelines or anything.

Have a good one,
Austin Eccie Staff