WHO tied to China corruption

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Cdl. Zen says WHO’s deference to China, dismissal of Taiwan means it can’t be trusted

International organizations are also complaining that the World Health Organization is too much in thrall to China, originator of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The WHO, under the direction of Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has come under fire from the Council on Foreign Relations for showing a high level of support for China.

is it any wonder that WHO is corrupt and they would do China's bidding and keeping Taiwan out of the organisation.
The WHO has morphed into a Liberal/Socialist/Progressive entity that’s actually referred to China as a example of how Socialism is a superior form of Government.

China?? This is a totalitarian state that practices the most extreme form of Communism, having it’s roots in the teachings of one of the most prolific mass murderers of all time, Mao.

Our Main Stream Media, POP Culture, and Liberal Democrats seem to have the same amorous affair with today’s China as their mentors of the late 1940’s and 1950’s had with the Stalinist USSR.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The WHO insisted that Corona wasn’t transmitted human to human, which they knew it was, to kiss China’s ass, and got a lot of people killed. They are directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and the destruction of tens of trillions of wealth. The US should never give them another penny.
HoeHummer's Avatar
The WHO insisted that Corona wasn’t transmitted human to human, which they knew it was, to kiss China’s ass, and got a lot of people killed. They are directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and the destruction of tens of trillions of wealth. The US should never give them another penny. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yous got a link to that, Jazzyman?

Sounds like yous have been listening to too much Alex Jones.

Thanks for yet another nugget of fake news, dillsy. Yous are rolling,a
Jacuzzme's Avatar

Didn’t age well, did it?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The WHO has morphed into a Liberal/Socialist/Progressive entity that’s actually referred to China as a example of how Socialism is a superior form of Government.

China?? This is a totalitarian state that practices the most extreme form of Communism, having it’s roots in the teachings of one of the most prolific mass murderers of all time, Mao.

Our Main Stream Media, POP Culture, and Liberal Democrats seem to have the same amorous affair with today’s China as their mentors of the late 1940’s and 1950’s had with the Stalinist USSR. Originally Posted by Jackie S

don't leave out national socialist germany. they did the same thing with them.

what china is doing is more comparable with national socialist germany did back then in terms of propaganda and influence control..
china has concealed both the number of cases and number of deaths in china from the corona virus outbreak

they continue to lie

the left here and the who have to have purposely disregarded this and the only reason why I can think of is political

by any means necessary, ya know

the dim watch-phrase
  • oeb11
  • 04-01-2020, 11:11 AM
NGIT- Amen!