Managed Vs. Independent

JasminDelights's Avatar
I've had a friend recently explore out of his usually playgrounds to test some new flavors on one of his many trips out of town.
Long story short the young lady was managed and a little more plastic than he had intentionally expected.
He says he expected a little to good to be true looking body but not plastic and definitely not managed.
He rattled off his silly reasons behind behind his outlook on managed females and then explained a mutual friend of our perspective. Kinda struck me though..

Are some gentleman really against the idea of seeing females managed and do some really go as far as to no longer see them once they become managed?

I mean I can understand the plastic and just less unnatural way behind the physical appearance but what's the back side behind why gentleman don't go?
Is there like a hidden code in the book of Hobbylife 101 ??
I guess there's more to the stigma than what I may understand but alot of the older community that's been on eccie a while is pretty educational when it comes to discussions.
ENLIGHTEN ME please always thirsty for your knowledge... && a few other things
Surely you can understand why many gents have concerns about seeing "managed ladies"? Even at minimum there is some trading of information, some of it personal, and many ladies are requiring more and more personal information these days. Not to mention you come to see her in your car with your license plates which can be traced. If she comes to you its also possible she (or her manager/pimp) can get your info from the hotel, possibly. We take enough risk giving information to independent ladies, the first time you meet, but the risk is certainly multiplied when the lady is "managed". There have been countless stories of managers gathering personal information of clients and using it for their own means down the road up to and including blackmail or extortion. Thats not to say this happens all the time, but it certainly raises the risk level, and many gents aren't willing to, add to the possibility of trouble. There's also the concern that some managed ladies are treated badly, both physically and mentally, and may receive very little of their compensation. Again, not always the case, but the client has no way who he is actually dealing with, including any conversation back and forth prior to or after the appointment. Just too many unknowns, not that any encounter with some one new is without risk for either party.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Let's just say that over a year ago sometime. I notice an add about a lady that claimed to be independent. Then I noticed an story in the news that told about her getting information on a client that earned a nice amount of money. Her manager killed the client with the information she gave him. Her manager went to jail: she did not, because they could not prove that she took part in the murder.

I made the mistake of pointing out the news article here on ECCIE that showed her working name as well as her real name. The shit hit the fan and I was banned for one year.

OK, I made the mistake of pointing out the news story. Sorry. The point is not about my mistake. The point is about how all of us should be very careful about the people we choose to meet.

No pimped ladies: not ever, not if we have the slightest hint that she may be managed. If you find out she has a manager, don't see her again.

I don't care about plastic, I don't even care about looks. An ugly woman can still be very nice to a guy, and a beautiful woman can kill you faster than you can blink. Whom do you trust?

I would rather my money goes to an independent woman who needs it that to a pimp that just steals it from the woman that did the work.

Just the question, kinda shows that you could be interested in a manager. That means you are on the "Will not see, not ever, list".
Well the last time I saw a pimped girl KK her pimp must have over booked her because she couldn’t keep her eyes open long enough to spit out her stupid rules.
JR well stated. No I would not see a managed girl. I am sure that I have seen ladies that were being managed without my knowledge. If I know a lady is being managed I will not be seeing her.
A little plastic never hurt nobody. It’s not all unnatural looking.

My views have changed on management. Tbh I’ve had more independent providers and random bitches do hurtful shit to me and my kids than managed providers ever have. So, while I may have had a problem w it in the past, I no longer give a shit as long as that provider and her management’s not hurting me personally.
JasminDelights's Avatar
Okay! So I hadnt really known to the extent of how much information the females obtain in turns of private and vulnerable information. Have girls In our KC community who are managed ever black mailed men.
With the concern of them being miss treated mentally and physically what's the reason they stay?
Are they tied down to the pimp cause they "madly in love " or owe it to them or what causes these young beautiful ladies to decided to allow this poor treatment of themselves for others?
I didn't know a large chunk of what you shared I thought it was primarily based of the looks of the managed young lady
but the risk is certainly multiplied when the lady is "managed". There have been countless stories of managers gathering personal information of clients and using it for their own means down the road up to and including blackmail or extortion. Thats not to say this happens all the time, but it certainly raises the risk level, and many gents aren't willing to, add to the possibility of trouble. There's also the concern that some managed ladies are treated badly, both physically and mentally, and may receive very little of their compensation. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
JasminDelights's Avatar
I'm baffled by your information in regards to a year ago! Thats mind blowing to actually know that it does takes place. I hope for everyone's sake everyone is on top of verify each other.
Take the question for what you want. I will never be managed and I have no intentions of allowing my self worth and respect to be torn down by a pimp for his pockets to benefit. I may be young and naive but I'm not one thats going to allow herself to lower her worth.
Honestly I will never considered being managed as that takes a road that I never want to be a part of.
My curiosity comes from the stigma and encounters that a few of my companions have brought to my attention.
I'd honestly Rather see the ugly women who's caring and respected that the beauty queen with Blackmailing and Skills of Death.
I'm intrigued and grateful for your response JR

Let's just say that over a year ago sometime. I notice an add about a lady that claimed to be independent. Then I noticed an story in the news that told about her getting information on a client that earned a nice amount of money. Her manager killed the client with the information she gave him. Her manager went to jail: she did not, because they could not prove that she took part in the murder.

I made the mistake of pointing out the news article here on ECCIE that showed her working name as well as her real name. The shit hit the fan and I was banned for one year.

OK, I made the mistake of pointing out the news story. Sorry. The point is not about my mistake. The point is about how all of us should be very careful about the people we choose to meet.

No pimped ladies: not ever, not if we have the slightest hint that she may be managed. If you find out she has a manager, don't see her again.

I don't care about plastic, I don't even care about looks. An ugly woman can still be very nice to a guy, and a beautiful woman can kill you faster than you can blink. Whom do you trust?

I would rather my money goes to an independent woman who needs it that to a pimp that just steals it from the woman that did the work.

Just the question, kinda shows that you could be interested in a manager. That means you are on the "Will not see, not ever, list". Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I haven’t been in the hobby long enough to have a strong opinion. Up to now, I’ve not gone out of my way to avoid a management situation. But I haven’t dealt directly with one as of yet either. Personally, I’m more leery when I hear about a husband/boyfriend in play. But basically, if I hear of any other parties involved with someone’s encounter (in the same house, next hotel/motel room, in parking lot, etc) other than another provider is a scratch off the list for me.
JR just thinks everyone is pimped cause he got duped a few years ago.
RS, Its most likely that a providers "husband, or boyfriend" is her "manager". Again, not 100% but probably most the time. Would you turn out your wife or SO?
A little plastic never hurt nobody. It’s not all unnatural looking.

My views have changed on management. Tbh I’ve had more independent providers and random bitches do hurtful shit to me and my kids than managed providers ever have. So, while I may have had a problem w it in the past, I no longer give a shit as long as that provider and her management’s not hurting me personally. Originally Posted by Gemma34
Miss Gemma, I certainly agree that there can still be problems with an independent lady, just as you ladies take risks seeing any new client. Just my point that the more people involved in the hobby transaction and who all ends up with the info, (some of these people you didn't even know you were giving it too), makes it more likely that problems can arise. Just IMHO of course....
Some of these scatterbrained gals could use a little management.
Some of these scatterbrained gals could use a little management. Originally Posted by royamcr
Only managed woman I would see is one I was managing. Not for personal gain, but to get them on sound financial footing.
Met a lot of great women, a quite a few could use help in the financial management area of their lives.
RS, Its most likely that a providers "husband, or boyfriend" is her "manager". Again, not 100% but probably most the time. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
I understand that. I started to say something to acknowledge that but couldn’t quite come up with how to word it. But in my ending qualifier if anyone else is mentioned as having a presence - whether it’s manager, husband, boyfriend, roommate, or whatever they want to call them - is a hard pass.

Would you turn out your wife or SO? Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Are ex-wives eligible?