If you post a review can you....

clubguy254's Avatar
If you post a review can you revise it from negative to positive at a later time or can you remove a review that you have posted?
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 09-06-2016, 08:37 PM
why would you change your mind? Be honest to begin with. don't let the lady influence the fact.
clubguy254's Avatar
why would you change your mind? Be honest to begin with. don't let the lady influence the fact. Originally Posted by NYr
I had an appointment with a provider. I drove a long way to see her and she was a no show. She contacted me the next day and apologized and said she'd be free to see me that day. I set up an appointment and drove a long way out to see her again. Then when I get there she texts me and says that she's running late and could I please wait an hour. I waited an hour and then I got another text with another delay. After waiting two hours I got another text saying that she couldnt see me due to emergency. I drove all the way back home and she texted me and said that she'd make it up to me with a free session. Now that was Sunday night. She hasn't responded to me since. I was thinking what if I post the review and it was a real emergency and now she does want to make it up to me and gets pissed that I posted the review. She has a lot of positive reviews and I've never written a negative review but truthfully I'm kinda pissed. I drove a long way both ways both times and got stood up twice. That to me is negative review worthy. I don't know. I hate leaving bad reviews I guess. People can have things happen and it might not be malicious but it was really rough on me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
2 times she fucked you over? write a bad post (not a review, since you have not seen her), and tell everything negative.. if Hell freezes over, and you get the free session (which frankly, even if she offered I wouldn't believe at this point, and let her waste my time again).. then you can post in your thread that she made it up to you, then write a separate review.

don't let her run over you.. too many guys do that, and they deserve the shit they get.. I have posted about every no-show I have ever got, which is several.. these ladies are not in charge, unless you allow it.
clubguy254's Avatar
Which board or forum is appropriate for such a post? And if the provider has three pages of reviews about they are almost all positive then what if people just look at her most recent reviews and never see the post. I'd like to warn people.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 09-07-2016, 02:35 PM
That would be a NC/NS post in Coed section.