President Obama Should Have Left Sheriff Joe Alone

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This will be fun. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has completed his investigation into President Obama's eligibility for office. The news conference is scheduled for tomorrow. You don't mess with Sheriff Joe. LOL!

BigLouie's Avatar
Like we have to wait until tomorrow to find out what Joe thinks. Not going to be hard to guess the outcome.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
This will be fun. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has completed his investigation into President Obama's eligibility for office. The news conference is scheduled for tomorrow. You don't mess with Sheriff Joe. LOL!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
u birther-nut-jobs still at it? LOL! Its not like his mom wasnt a US citizen or anything. LOL
dearhunter's Avatar
College entrance forms should have resolved this.......both sides want to keep it alive.......I am surrounded by stupid.
This will be fun. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has completed his investigation into President Obama's eligibility for office. The news conference is scheduled for tomorrow. You don't mess with Sheriff Joe. LOL!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sheriff Joe is another Arizona dufas.
Sa_artman's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2012, 11:54 AM
Joe can do what Trump cant?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not a birther, I don't care where, when or if President Obama was born. I'm just saying he should never have messed with Sheriff Joe. I guess at the press conference, Sheriff Joe announced that there is probable cause to believe the birth certificate provided by the President is forged. He is continuing his investigation. This will be fun.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-01-2012, 03:16 PM
Tweet i read, and i'm paraphrasing, "If Obama came up with a forgery that was sniffed out by this set of yahoos, then he deserves to be impeached".

Tough to argue with that sort of logic.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Tweet i read, and i'm paraphrasing, "If Obama came up with a forgery that was sniffed out by this set of yahoos, then he deserves to be impeached".

Tough to argue with that sort of logic. Originally Posted by Doove

Yep, and that's akin to giving creedence to anything COG, Capt. Midwife, I.B. Yankering, et al, dredge up from the depths of the internet's tea bog.
otrdriver's Avatar
Go Joe provide the truth and let's see the liberals squirm. Too many inconsistancies in all his papers.

Oh where are his college papers??? Oh forgot he doesn't have to allow them out to the public.

Take his name off the ballot!
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 03-01-2012, 08:35 PM
Seriously, there are people who still actually believe in this faked birth certificate nonsense?

To paraphrase Buzz Lightyear, You are sad, strange little men, and you have my pity.
KICK HIS ASS JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YYYEEEE$E EEEEEEEEE!!!! HAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!