Quad cities please !

  • Jay8
  • 12-29-2019, 10:43 AM
Will some quality providers please visit the quad cities! It's like desert here.... a baron wasteland of poor quality lady's staying in the dump hotels, relying obviously on only new clients because nobody would repeat with them...
I've decided a while back I will only be seeing quality, reviewed, lady's with good reputations... which around here means I will be seeing nobody... end of rant. Have a great day all !!
And I am quite certain this rant will be very instrumental ending your dry spell.

Or perhaps not
It seems like it's been slow most places in general recently. Unfortunately it seems like most people traveling through the area these days only stop in Des Moines if at all.
I’ve attempted a few time to visit the quad cities but I never get many responses when I do. I used to visit quite a bit years back. Many ladies don’t travel if the response doesn’t warrant a trip
Has anyone seen Cashmere Silk? Looks like she is currently in the Quad Cities.
I've had terrible results in the quad cities. Ive tried but it wasn't really worth it.
  • Jay8
  • 01-06-2020, 08:17 AM
I've contacted cashmere several times in the last week or 2. Never a reply back...