Rain in the Desert -- Welcome to Austin!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, as much chit as the man takes from our beloved Governor BooFoo and others, the heavens opened up and the glorious rains came just minutes after President Obama landed in Austin.

Coincidence? Or a sign from the God of your choice?

I'm sure nobody else noticed ...

KosherCowboy's Avatar
You know, as much chit as the man takes from our beloved Governor BooFoo and others, the heavens opened up and the glorious rains came just minutes after President Obama landed in Austin.

Coincidence? Or a sign from the God of your choice?

I'm sure nobody else noticed ...

WELCOME TO AUSTIN, MR. PRESIDENT! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
My history retention in religious rules is weak due to too much pulled pork and non Kosher Kows used to make Italian Beef but I think we are forbidden from spelling the Lord's name out? To klarify when I say ' Lord' I am referring to ' G-D' not ' Obama'; his Lord is different

The rain was welcomed, what I'd welcome more while he is in our oil rich state would be for him to make an effort to tell us fine Texans that he wants to invest money in drilling here in the USA and building the energy business up rather than raising taxes on it and worse, supporting exploratation for oil and drilling in Brazil and bowing down to middle east oil rich states. Rain will come naturally, a president willing to commit ( not just talk) to US and Texas businesses would be even better.

I am sure if he wants to try out Franklins while here he won't have to wait in line like the average ECCIE member..

L' Chaim
The Red Team
Rain is expected when a dark cloud follows you everywhere.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah? Well let The Donald bring the rain to Texas! Oh wait, we've already been FIRED!

Unfortunately this is about as good as it's gonna get until the Red Team comes up with a legitimate challenger and stops fucking over hundreds of millions of Children of the Corn.

Look into your heart Luke! You know it to be true! I AM YO DADDY!

Once Barry O unveils his "end the war" plan, the GOP is history. So is their majority because we'll be trading bombs in Afghanistan for books in Alabama. Covert ops are cheaper and quicker than ground wars. Whether we get Gaddafi or not, we need to GTFO of the middle east period and return those resources to funding programs even the conservatives would approve if the money was there.

Amazing how much health care and school programs you can buy with an extre $40 billion a month.With improved emphasis on education, you think America would elect another dildo like you know who to the White House?Chit we got Saddam. Got Bin Laden. We'll get Gadhaffi too. Then what? REBUILD THe MIDDLE EAST OR REBUIld NEW ORLEANS?


Obama comes correct and none of y'all can slam him without sounding like major whining pussies.

Better email Rush ASAP!