Overland Park,Ks 💗 Air Mattress Nuru Questions... Thoughts... Concerns...

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I’m interested in knowing if anyone has ever had a air mattress NURU session. How was your experience? Just curious to know about your personal experiences. My focus is Can I match your experience or make it better!! Pm me for comments or details.
Never had one on an air mattress but I love nuru's if done properly. I've only had one lady that really knew how to do them well and it was honestly beyond description. I saw her several times but then back when all the sites went dark she freaked and decided to not do anything but standard massage any longer. What a complete letdown. I've tried several before and after and have yet to find anyone that even comes close to her approach except one but it was still nothing close but a turn-on none the less. It's hard to even talk about her without getting excited.