Ever do a prego?

les123's Avatar
So I was contacted today by an old sb and she’s pregnant. It was a bit of anxiety at first as I half kiddingly asked if I was the father. She told me instantly it wasn’t but I was doing the math in my head all the while. Finally, she reminded me I was wrapped during our last meeting. She’s 4 months, what can I expect and should I even see her?the most intriguing thing to me is she had d cups, now they are ddd. Yes she showed me, very intriguing.
I have. The one who was furthest along was seven months. Bigger boobs but the one furthest along claimed her nipples were too sensitive to be played with, even gently. She also had flexibility issues so it was cowgirl for a little bit and doggy. It was a bucket list item I was happy to check off. Need to find a girl who lactates.
if she is only 4 months you likely won't notice much of a difference anyway. There was an old joke once that a kid walked up to his Dad and poked him over and over on the forehead. Said.......see.....how do you like it. Ever since then anytime I've been with a pregnant woman all I can think about is that. LOL
les123's Avatar
There is quite a difference already. I saw her when she was about a month along. I just knew something was off. Absolutely no energy on her part. I decided then I was done but adding a couple cup sizes has perked my enthusiasm. Like the joke.
There is quite a difference already. I saw her when she was about a month along. I just knew something was off. Absolutely no energy on her part. I decided then I was done but adding a couple cup sizes has perked my enthusiasm. Like the joke. Originally Posted by les123
Def do it. Can't knock her up, right!? LOL
A couple pregnant providers have told me they get more amorous during pregnancy.
BubbaH's Avatar
if she is only 4 months you likely won't notice much of a difference anyway. There was an old joke once that a kid walked up to his Dad and poked him over and over on the forehead. Said.......see.....how do you like it. Ever since then anytime I've been with a pregnant woman all I can think about is that. LOL Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
My ex and I screwed one time after we found out she was pregnant. All I could think about was poking the kid in the head. We didn’t do it again until after my son was born.
I have only once and i thought it was a great experience!
I had a good session with a provider that is active on here today. She was over seven months along. I saw her again a month later when she said it was her last week to see hobbyists. Unique experience.
CPFBurner's Avatar
Probably a bucket list for me. Closest I've gotten was blown by a prego provider. The view of those swollen milkers definitely helped.
les123's Avatar
Well, I’ve decided at least tentatively, to not meet her. I didn’t contact her and she didn’t contact me last weekend when we were supposed to meet. I’d like to just fade off into the sunset at this point.
flamtaps's Avatar
My ex and I screwed one time after we found out she was pregnant. All I could think about was poking the kid in the head. We didn’t do it again until after my son was born. Originally Posted by BubbaH

That is very close to my experience. We actually fucked right at the end because she read semen could start the induction process. Self fulfilling prophecy because it was like 9 months and a day.
My ex and I screwed one time after we found out she was pregnant. All I could think about was poking the kid in the head. We didn’t do it again until after my son was born. Originally Posted by BubbaH
Bubba H - Friend of mine and his wife had sex the night before their son was born. Everything was okay except that the kid was a little cock-eyed!
Haha, similar experience here too. My ex was almost 9 months. We did it in the morning as her doc told us to as it may induce her. 10 min later, water broke. I like to think i did that 😀
BubbaH's Avatar
I’m glad I’m not the only one. It sucked because that was the only time she was legit horny in the 20 years we were together and I couldn’t reap the benefits because it was such a turn off.