Off her rocker

Gave her a yes a while back, called her again and she was off her rocker,I think pounder or someone said she was biopolar,she only post on skip the games
Ten four
I thought about seeing her.

Man I could write a book,when she is normal and takes a bath,she is good for last resort, contacted her again,and told her I was in the area,she said come by,and asked could we just chill for a while,I told her I was in a hurry,then she went off,bitch I will kill you,fuck you and so on,I said fuck you and hung up,then she called right back and said are you coming,I said fuck no and she went off,had to block her numbers,she is fucking nuts
Lowgear, thanks for the update. That’s fucking crazy.

Usually the crazy chicks are hot in bed...

I always said if I’m going to stick my dick in the crazy, she had better be hot as fuck.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
Amen BB!
NeoSolo's Avatar
She is fucking crazy. I tried to set up with her a few times, she would say yes then ignore my text for hours then go off on me for standing her up! Nuts!
hotrix1's Avatar
She did a Jekyll/Hyde on me too. Unfortunately, she was already in the house when she pulls her mask off. All it takes is a couple of shots and she becomes a stark raving lunatic. She got viciously threatening and started to get physical when I put a stop to it. Whack job extraordinaire! Surprised you guys are just now finding out. Her old posts in Dallas was all kinds of fucking crazy too from what I saw years ago. I thought she retired a while back and wasn't a threat anymore. Looks like sheee's baaack!

Hope nobody gets hurt with this one because she is capable of losing it in a huge way.

And by the time this happened, the mod wouldn't let me withdraw my "yes" review either. So it seems she might be good to hold it together for the first visit. But absolutely not after.

And BTW. Some of you have been drinking from a poisoned well of pussy that flows from OOT I see. If you believe you might be poisoned PM me.
You hit the nail on the head hot
hotrix1's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head hot Originally Posted by lowgear
I usually do lowgear. But I still might miss once in a while.
Thanks for taking the time to pass on your knowledge, ho trix!!!
hotrix1's Avatar
Thanks for taking the time to pass on your knowledge, ho trix!!! Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore

And trying to get some action without knowledge is just plain DUMB._ Ho-trix
hotrix1's Avatar
Hahaha ‘bird. Good one and true. And the sig line about he who dares winning??? He who dares (going raw dog)could also get the clap and other stuff in the bargain. If not worse.😂
Happy hunting y’all. Leave certain psychotics alone. It’s for your own good.