Escorts Using Government Assistance

I once read a story on another site about an escort that was getting public housing or section 8 or whatever and using it for an incall. What about escorts getting food stamps? How do you feel about that? Do you think it is right or okay for escorts to use government assistance programs? Why? I don't.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
Hell no it ain't right. If you can suck and fuck why do you need government assistance!

I bet you bottom dollar that a ton of incall locations in ATL are Section8 apartments.

This topic is pissing me off already. All the damn taxes that get cut out of my check and some welfare queen is using it to set up a ho shop.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's not right. Escorts that abuse the government are TRASH! Simple as that!
RegularFemale205's Avatar
I HATE the current social welfare system. People flock to abuse the system because it is easy and it makes you comfortable. TOOOO comfortable. Instead of dishing out Section8 vouchers so they can move their dopedealing BF to the burbs, how about building a giant shelter with cots.

Yes, women and children won't be homeless. But will they be happy and comfortable and ho'ing on my tax dollar? Hell no.

Instead of handing out hundreds of dollars a month on a foodstamp card just to cash out at the Arab store (no offense to my Arab brothers here, but y'all know the deal), hand them a box of rations.
No. Fail.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
I was under the impression most ladies declared their funds by some low level money laundrying (i.e., a small escort/consulting business) and they declared their income to the IRS?

I guess I was living in a dream, lol.

Ladies, you get caught by the IRS, you'll wish it would have been a sting, lolol.
I was under the impression most ladies declared their funds by some low level money laundrying (i.e., a small escort/consulting business) and they declared their income to the IRS?

I guess I was living in a dream, lol.

Ladies, you get caught by the IRS, you'll wish it would have been a sting, lolol. Originally Posted by sketchball82
It's worth becoming licensed and paying taxes so you can own your own properties and finance whatever you want.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
If you meet a girl off of backpage Atlanta whose incall location is in a "nice secured area" and she charges $60 for BB greek.....she might be on Section 8.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If you meet a girl off of backpage Atlanta whose incall location is in a "nice secured area" and she charges $60 for BB greek.....she might be on Section 8. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
You're sooooo funny!!!!

Sketch, only escorts with common sense pay taxes. I don't look great in orange jumpsuits. Not a flattering color for I will do everything I can so I don't end up in one for the rest of my life.
Cpalmson's Avatar
This touches a never with me. I DESPISE government assistance programs. Government is way too big. Spends too much money on social programs in order for one certain political party to buy the votes of those at the lower end of the socio-economic ladder. Yes, it is a fucking bribe. The federal government has 2 jobs. One, defend the country (which it sucks at-- notice all those illegals invading us). Two, represent our national interests in the global community. Everything else should be left up to the individual states. Get rid of the Dept of Education. Get rid of the Dept of Agriculture. Get rid of Health and Human Services. Get rid of the EPA. Get rid of HUD. Get rid of the facist Department of Homeland Security. We only need the State Department, Defense Department and the Treasury Department. The government that governs the least, governs the best.

Okay now that my rant is over. No, I would not see a provider whom I know is on government assistance.

BTW, I thought escorting was easy money. 30 clients a month at $300 per session. That equates to about a 100K per year in gross income. Pretty nice job if you ask me

Yes, that last paragraph is just oozing with sarcasm.
If you meet a girl off of backpage Atlanta whose incall location is in a "nice secured area" and she charges $60 for BB greek.....she might be on Section 8. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
OHHH! Hijack the thread!!! Time for might be on 8 jokes.

"If you see an advertisement for a BYOB incall (bring your own bed incall), she might be on 8."
I have heard that the ONLY way a woman can get such assistants is having children with no child support and not married.
If she lives in a small town and the work is slow and she is not able to tour for the fact that she has children... I feel its only fair for the sake of the kids.
Some places dont offer job opportunities and trying to relocate would cost too much money for them.
Now, if they are making serious bank and got a nice car paid off and saving up.. NO.
Depends on the situation. They can improve their situation, go back to college and still do escort work. Should be a temporary thing until they can get on their feet.
But taking advantage of the govt.. NO.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
I have heard that the ONLY way a woman can get such assistants is having children with no child support and not married.. Originally Posted by Anita Lay

I'm disgusted at the thought of a woman turning tricks under the same roof her kids sleep. Too dangerous. I always thought of an incall as a rented apartment or extended stay suite....not your home where your family lives.

I'll fuck behind a tree stepping in a cow's shit before I bring a trick back into my home.

Being poor from a po dunk town is not an excuse for this foolishness.
<---Born poor from a po dunk town.
Ohhh hell no.... what would you do if you knew a lady was doing such a thing with her kids in the dwelling at night?