Board whackos starting to panic?

Anybody else notice how the board whacks are posting up more and more crazy, desperate-sounding shit the past few days? They've completely exhausted any sort of arguments relating to a legitimate political disagreement, the DNC is going gangbusters, their boy got virtually no bounce from the RNC, and whatever small hop he may have gotten is going to be rapidly forgotten.... and Clinton hit it out of the park last night by virtually all measuring sticks, a lot of conservative pundits included...and Obama is going to wow the crowd tonight, we all know panic setting in?

It's like the bus from Crazy Town pulled up at The Sandbox terminal, and Whirly, JD, BOG, Joe, Jackie and the rest of the escapees from the squirrel tank piled out the door and started posting up the nuttiest shit they can find or think up in a desperate effort to try to convince themselves that they've got a candidate that can beat Obama.

Good times.
I think this is typical convention hope; I felt the same during the GOP guys looked desperate trying to prove this lie, that lie. Don't get too optimistic.

And Romney got a 6-point bump in the Rasmussen polling data. So you need to fact check your posts better.

And for clarification I think Romney is a terrible candidate and I only support him because he is NOT Obama. That is an easy sell in swing state America these days. This isn't 2008. We now know who Obama is, and it ain't pretty.
I think this is typical convention hope; I felt the same during the GOP guys looked desperate trying to prove this lie, that lie. Don't get too optimistic.

And Romney got a 6-point bump in the Rasmussen polling data. So you need to fact check your posts better.

And for clarification I think Romney is a terrible candidate and I only support him because he is NOT Obama. That is an easy sell in swing state America these days. This isn't 2008. We now know who Obama is, and it ain't pretty. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Poor Whirly. Unlike you, I don't need a political convention to have hope and confidence in my party. Unlike you, I don't hate my candidate. Unlike you, I don't base my political opinions on intolerance, divisiveness, fear and hatred. Unlike you, I read all the political polls and don't just pick the one that happens to favor my candidate this week. You telling me to fact check my posts better is laughable. If your posts are any indication, you've lost the ability (if you ever had it) to discern the difference between a fact and the bullshit conservative talking-point propaganda that you spew here.

The fact is that you and your ilk have despised Obama since he was elected, none of this has anything to do with what he's done the past four years, it's your propaganda talking point that you religiously spout at every opportunity and that comes from your whacko conservative entertainment industry megalomaniacs, alive (Limbaugh) and dead (Breitbart). The repukes have done everything possible to attempt to sabotage and obstruct every effort Obama has made to get the country back on track since day one, even if it meant risking the financial security and well-being of the country. Speaking of fact-checks, fact-check why Moody's downgraded the US credit rating last year. It didn't have anything to do with debt repayment ability. It was because of the sudden realization by the credit-rating agencies that the crazy Republicans were willing to drive the bus off the cliff in order to get what they want, the financial well-being of the country be damned.

Mitch McConnell said it early on, he meant it, and the repukes have religiously adhered to it:

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted in National Journal, November 4, 2010

Good luck. You'll need it.
Ah, such smudge (I am superior), touching.

Poor Whirly. Unlike you, I don't need a political convention to have hope and confidence in my party. Unlike you, I don't hate my candidate. Unlike you, I don't base my political opinions on intolerance, divisiveness, fear and hatred. Unlike you, I read all the political polls and don't just pick the one that happens to favor my candidate this week. You telling me to fact check my posts better is laughable. If your posts are any indication, you've lost the ability (if you ever had it) to discern the difference between a fact and the bullshit conservative talking-point propaganda that you spew here.

The fact is that you and your ilk have despised Obama since he was elected, none of this has anything to do with what he's done the past four years, it's your propaganda talking point that you religiously spout at every opportunity and that comes from your whacko conservative entertainment industry megalomaniacs, alive (Limbaugh) and dead (Breitbart). The repukes have done everything possible to attempt to sabotage and obstruct every effort Obama has made to get the country back on track since day one, even if it meant risking the financial security and well-being of the country. Speaking of fact-checks, fact-check why Moody's downgraded the US credit rating last year. It didn't have anything to do with debt repayment ability. It was because of the sudden realization by the credit-rating agencies that the crazy Republicans were willing to drive the bus off the cliff in order to get what they want, the financial well-being of the country be damned.

Mitch McConnell said it early on, he meant it, and the repukes have religiously adhered to it:

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted in National Journal, November 4, 2010 Originally Posted by timpage

Obama has been the most reckless irresponsible steward of our treasury. Fact Jack !
daty/o's Avatar
Anybody else notice how the board whacks are posting up more and more crazy, desperate-sounding shit the past few days? They've completely exhausted any sort of arguments relating to a legitimate political disagreement, the DNC is going gangbusters, their boy got virtually no bounce from the RNC, and whatever small hop he may have gotten is going to be rapidly forgotten.... and Clinton hit it out of the park last night by virtually all measuring sticks, a lot of conservative pundits included...and Obama is going to wow the crowd tonight, we all know panic setting in?

It's like the bus from Crazy Town pulled up at The Sandbox terminal, and Whirly, JD, BOG, Joe, Jackie and the rest of the escapees from the squirrel tank piled out the door and started posting up the nuttiest shit they can find or think up in a desperate effort to try to convince themselves that they've got a candidate that can beat Obama.

Good times. Originally Posted by timpage
LOL. I guess that's what happens when the little blue pill doesn't even work. I have never heard more ill-informed, racist, paranoid, off-the-wall claptrap in my life. Too bad, too, because it is seriously cluttering up an otherwise enjoyable venue.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, Timmy is right about one thing, the whackos are going off the wall. But as usual, he misidentifies them.

The Obamatons are scared shitless they will lose. It's fun to watch. Only bad part is, when Obama loses, Romney wins. Crap.
Well, Timmy is right about one thing, the whackos are going off the wall. But as usual, he misidentifies them.

The Obamatons are scared shitless they will lose. It's fun to watch. Only bad part is, when Obama loses, Romney wins. Crap. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ah, classic BOG post. Pithy, simple, devoid of substantive comment regarding the OP. Not surprising since he is one of the prolific nutty posters.

I'm not scared shitless, btw. That ended when Gingrich, Cain, Bachmann, Perry, Santorum and Paul (seems like there were more GOP crazies, it's hard to remember them all since there were so many) dropped out of the race. As I've stated before, Romney is a disagreeable misled stooge but I don't perceive him to be a dangerous lunatic like the rest of the repuke choices. Now, Ryan scares me since he is such a fringe economic nut and an apparent congenital liar, but Romney seems healthy....he's lived that Mormon life-style. Those people live long lives....I just hope he lives it out at his beach house, not the White House.
Uploaded by TheDrRJP on Oct 1, 2011
Yes, folks, that is what she said, according to an instructor at a School for the Deaf and Blind who watched the video. The video is shown at normal speed, 3/4 speed, and 1/2 speed with no banners obstructing her lips.

It should come as no surprise that she and Barack have no clue about America's reverence for, nor reference to, our flag, or that both want to eliminate all memorials and ceremonies commemorating the 9/11 attacks.

Well lets start all over again Timmy...
Tim, I know quite a few Democrats that drank the Kool-aid and had tears of joy in their eyes when they voted for Obama om '08 that are holding their nose this year. I also know plenty of left leaning Independents that are voting Libertarian - which I probably will do also - or Republican with a close pin on. Obama doesn't have the love and adoration of his party let alone the country anymore. I think he'll win, but mostly because Independents and women will vote against the religiosity and anti-woman sentiments of the Republicans and their atrocious platform.
Anybody else notice how the board whacks are posting up more and more crazy, desperate-sounding shit the past few days? It's like the bus from Crazy Town pulled up at The Sandbox terminal, and Whirly, JD, BOG, Joe, Jackie and the rest of the escapees from the squirrel tank piled out the door and started posting up the nuttiest shit they can find or think up in a desperate effort to try to convince themselves that they've got a candidate that can beat Obama. Good times. Originally Posted by timpage

YES! That is a perfect description of when their bullshit posts start to show they are all hat and no cattle. They are bovine brains at best but none are smart enough to close the gates at the ranch.
Tim, I know quite a few Democrats that drank the Kool-aid and had tears of joy in their eyes when they voted for Obama om '08 that are holding their nose this year. I also know plenty of left leaning Independents that are voting Libertarian - which I probably will do also - or Republican with a close pin on. Obama doesn't have the love and adoration of his party let alone the country anymore. I think he'll win, but mostly because Independents and women will vote against the religiosity and anti-woman sentiments of the Republicans and their atrocious platform. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Well, nobody could have lived up to those expectations, never happens. The point is that the song and dance being played out by the repukes is incredibly hypocritical. They did everything possible to try to limit President Obama's success, even at the price of advocating policy that any sane person would know is bad for the country. (see debt ceiling fight comments). And now, as the Big Dog said last night, they base their entire argument on this position: "We trashed the economy, we handed over a country that was losing 750,000 jobs a month to Obama, and he just hasn't fixed the mess that we made fast enough for us. Now, we want you to let us try again and our plan is the same as it was when we trashed the economy and handed it over to Obama: cut taxes on the rich, deregulate, and get rid of the social safety net programs that we have been trying to get rid of forever, social security, medicare, medicaid, etc etc etc." You'd have to be seriously stupid, or someone that suffered some pretty substantial head trauma after Bush left office to buy into this shit.

BTW, I encourage you to vote Libertarian.

And, we agree on the atrociousness of the GOP platform....hey, the GOP war on women only effects what? 51% of the US population? And it's foisted on women by the 1% of the old, rich white guys that run the GOP.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Earth to Timmy: Rich old white guys run the Democrats, too.
daty/o's Avatar
Tim, COG's politics may be skewed towards his glass being two thirds empty, but he has lucid moments. I will be the first to agree that Romney/Ryan is a mindless idiot/calculating lunatic ticket that should easily be seen for what it is. Then again, I lost ALL faith in the voting public when a much too similar duo was reinstated in 2004. Those who do not learn from their mistakes...
Earth to Timmy: Rich old white guys run the Democrats, too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not so much. And, the old rich white guys who run the Democratic party aren't committed to policies that fuck over everybody that isn't a rich, old white guy. A distinction that I bet probably escapes you.

Save the "sure, the democrats care about you" comment for tomorrow. You've already used it once today and, who knows? Maybe by tomorrow, you will think up something better.