My Probable Retirement Thread

Dittychaser's Avatar
I'm posting this so rumors will not get started and I won't have to respond to several inquiries.

I have met some wonderful people here and some know of what I have been going through recently. Today I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am not asking for pity or sympathy (I can find that between shit and syphilis in the dictionary). I just want your understanding and good thoughts as I go forward.

The next few months will be trying as I go through surgery, radiation, or both. It is uncertain at this point what my recovery will be. But it is entirely possible that my hobbying days are over. I hope not but if it is I have lots of great memories. If not I certainly look forward to renewing old acquaintances and hopefully making some new ones.
Dragon_inc's Avatar
Keeping my fingers crossed for you... hang in there and keep us posted.
shorty's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear that Ditty. Hope all goes well
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Amigo: Don't get overly distraught. The procedures have come a long way. I know several gents that are now in full remission and with very little negative effects.

We'll keep you in our good thoughts.

Ditty, I'm wishing you all the best. You are an asset to the hobby and to the boards.

Bobalouie's Avatar
Eight months ago my brother had partial removal and radiation. He told me the other day that he's now back in the saddle with only negligible effects. He said his erection is at full mast with the help of vitamin V, and the only big difference is ejaculation volume which he said wasn't a big deal.

Wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery!
DallasRain's Avatar
I am wishing you the best my deserve no less!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Wishing you the Best the World as to offer you Man!!!

Keep your head up and your Faith strong!!
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
Wishing you the best man... went through my own battle with the big C 5 years ago.... made me a better man.....
lexie423's Avatar
I hate to hear that Ditty. Wish you the best!!!
Dittychaser's Avatar
Thank you to everyone that responded. Thank you also to those who called and texted. I have no words to express how touched I am. I was particularly encouraged by those who shared stories of others who have been in my same situation and had positive results.
DallasRain's Avatar
You can't keep a good dawg down! I luv ya babe!