Fake data!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Yes, it’s been exposed as fake positive Covid reporting in Fla. Seems like 100% of the tests came back positive. Although Florida hospitals say those results are 10 times higher than reality! That’s bad news for Liberals because they want to scare people to death. Is that incompetence or corruption? My monies on corruption. Also, Dr Redford said yesterday that most of Florida’s new cases were imported from North-easterners going to Fla!!!!!!

matchingmole's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Don't worry. He's got this.


Another demoncRAT hoax hits the shit can before it can even get any traction.
JCM800's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
"These aren't people. These are animals."

Yes, it’s been exposed as fake positive Covid reporting in Fla. Seems like 100% of the tests came back positive. Although Florida hospitals say those results are 10 times higher than reality! That’s bad news for Liberals because they want to scare people to death. Is that incompetence or corruption? My monies on corruption. Also, Dr Redford said yesterday that most of Florida’s new cases were imported from North-easterners going to Fla!!!!!!

https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/fo...19-results.amp Originally Posted by bambino
That's the idea of this whole pandemic it's really part of the liberal plan to depopulate America and the world. Once they get the stupid people so scared that they wear a mask and get tested ect. they'll line up for the vaccine which is what really kills ya. So in order to get the cooperation of as many people as possible they have to be lied to.
JCM800's Avatar
That's the idea of this whole pandemic it's really part of the liberal plan to depopulate America and the world. Originally Posted by Levianon17
rexdutchman's Avatar
This whole thing sounds like psych ops at its best
JCM800's Avatar
The Trump following ECCIE Idiots crew.

STUPIDEST people on the web. They prove it over and over.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 07:40 AM
Thank You for parroting the NYCrimes and its narative - with no cogent arguments or debate.

Blind sheeple are the DPST's!
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by JCM800
There’s a new study that reports Covid spreads from fecal matter to your hands. Keep your hands clean and your tongue out of people’s buttholes.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 07:48 AM
OBLM homophilic and Marxist leadership is already out demonstrating aginst this study .
Interferes with their favorite gay activities.
Originally Posted by JCM800
You're the typical dummy. The Government can do whatever they want to you. Dumb on.