October 13, 2012


President Obama and his wife just closed on a mansion in Hawaii and plan to move – in January 2013!
Barack and Michelle Obama will be moving to Hawaii in January of 2013. They have just purchase an estate in close proximity to land owned by the University of Hawaii, where the Obama presidential library and “political center” will be located. The estate is valued at $40 million.
This story was broken by Hillbuzz.org .
Reports out of Washington are that Barack and Michelle are counting on a loss in November and are anxious to return to Hawaii to start their new life. “They want the kids to attend high school in Hawaii, and they want to be as far away from Washington as possible,” said a source in the White House.
Michelle does not want to move back to Chicago and its winters and Michelle’s mother, who’s been living in the White House with her daughter and her family, is “absolutely thrilled” to be relocating to Hawaii.
In fact, Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, has been bragging about getting to live in Hawaii next, in a $40 million beachfront mansion after leaving the White House. ”It was fun while it lasted”, Miss Marion is quoted by Chicagoans as saying, “but wait until you see the place they’re buying for Michelle and Barack!”
Here she is with a picture of their mansion in Hawaii:
For the past year, Democrats have been working on locating acceptable property in Hawaii for the Obamas to live. The land and its complex of buildings will be ready to move-into in January and has met all the requirements the Secret Service demands since the Obamas will be granted continued protection, by law, for nine years after Barack leaves office.
The Reagans, Clintons, and second Bush family all had their post-presidential homes purchased quietly on the side by friends when their times in office were coming to an end. The Obamas are doing the same thing now.
The woman who is organizing the funding of the Obama’s post-presidential estate is Penny Pritzker (pictured above with the Obamas). She is also in charge of raising the donations for Obama’s presidential library and museum. Pritzker is a billionaire who in recent years resolved a long-standing family feud over her late father’s vast business empire that includes the Hyatt Hotel chain as well as assorted manufacturing operations.
The wealthiest families in Chicago are being leaned on heavily to contribute with Penny aggressively guilting them with “appeals of you don’t want the President to be homeless in January, do you?”
There’s a movie theater in the mansion and it already is set up to play ALL of Obamas speeches over the last 20 years – in a continuous loop.
Joe Biden was also interested in buying a house in Hawaii, but the Obamas are encouraging him to find a place in Florida. “Joe will be much happier there and the Obamas… well, they’ve seen enough of Joe,” said a source in the White House.
Even though the polls in the Presidential election are close, President Obama is already making his plans for January.
SO, the Obamas will be leaving the White House soon… Hawaii, here they come!
Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
There is precedence for Obama having a Western White House for the next 4 years. Reagan had one in San Clemente, Ca. and of course GW had his luxurious estate in Crawford. Tx.

And who will ever forget that GW's Poppy had an Eastern White House in Kenebunkport?

More power to the Obama's for purchasing a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the White House over the course of the next four years.
Where did he get 40 Million?
joe bloe's Avatar
I'm not sure I believe this story. My guess is Obama will probably move to Tehran or Mecca.
Where did he get 40 Million? Originally Posted by acp5762

A previous article I posted some weeks ago indicated supporters were giving the money to Odumbo......I'm not saying quid pro quo of some sort, but I'm thinking it.....
A previous article I posted some weeks ago indicated supporters were giving the money to Odumbo......I'm not saying quid pro quo of some sort, but I'm thinking it..... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Marshy, was that article also authored by Keith Koffler?

Marshy, is Keith Koffler your pen name?
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 10-19-2012, 10:15 AM
Weekly World News is your source?

What's more troubling is that there are idiots out there that believe these stories are true.

I'm more worried about the Alien Spaceships that are set to attack earth November 2012 as reported in the same page.
A previous article I posted some weeks ago indicated supporters were giving the money to Odumbo......I'm not saying quid pro quo of some sort, but I'm thinking it..... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Well I hate to sound like some political correct Buzz Kill, but if he acquired 40 Mill. from any source it was done illegally. Public Officials aren't suppose to accept gratuities. It goes along the same line, College Alumni aren't suppose to give promising athletes Cars or paid apartments off campus, ect.
Well I hate to sound like some political correct Buzz Kill, but if he acquired 40 Mill. from any source it was done illegally. Public Officials aren't suppose to accept gratuities. It goes along the same line, College Alumni aren't suppose to give promising athletes Cars or paid apartments off campus, ect. Originally Posted by acp5762

sort of depends on WHEN they give it to Odumbo, doesn't it.......
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't think this story is true (fingers crossed that it is) but Barack needs to get away? From what? The golf, the parties with JZ and Beyonce, the fans (I mean voters) fawning over every of his words? Did I mention the free travel and people to babysit his daughters. Michelle will miss the 24/7 luggage handlers and someone to carry her purchases at the best places.

It could be just like Hillary's book advance. They gave it to her just a few hours before it became illegal as it did for Newt Gringrich.
  • Laz
  • 10-19-2012, 01:26 PM
I doubt it is true but I hope that he does build his library in Hawaii. I am sure they could use it and the state would benefit.
About as far away from the continental US would be a good thing.......
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Dog replaced Don Ho..

Now BO will replace The Dog as Hawaii's spokesman.

Hawaii..B "O"...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I'm not sure I believe this story. My guess is Obama will probably move to Tehran or Mecca. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So you're as smart as chumchugger.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Chumchugger??? Is that from T.S. Elliot?