Obama watched while Americans died

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some of you have been defending Obama saying that he was in the loop after all. Okay, have it your way. Obama sat in the White House situation room watching for seven hours as American died including two former Navy Seals who waited hours for help to arrive before they were murdered. Obama wrote them off and then lied to their families. Writing off our people is not an American trait. We fight for every person. Does this rise to the level of impeachment? I'll let the lawyers argue that point but this is certainly not someone I want in charge of anything.

Just to push the point; would Obama write off a city in Alaska if North Korea nuked it because he doesn't want any trouble? Sounds like he would. After all he wouldn't have to worry about a reelection after next year.

This was not a movie. Think about those men. Sitting in the dark, listening to the sounds of gun fire outside, and smelling the smoke. Wondering, not if, but when help was coming because that is what American do when there is trouble. We run towards the sound of gun fire and not to Las Vegas. I accuse Obama of cowardice under fire.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-25-2012, 01:30 AM
He is a coward . When Romney is sworn in, the first thing he should do is have the new AG. indict , convict, and imprison that treasonous cocksucker
I think he actually was golfing. But no matter what he was doing, he icily did nothing, then lied and now blusters.

He is not presidential, but is a punk.
I think he actually was golfing. But no matter what he was doing, he icily did nothing, then lied and now blusters.

He is not presidential, but is a punk. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly, you shouldn't call GW a "punk" for regularly playing golf (after all, Presidents need recreation too) while over 4500 Americans eventually died resulting from the disastrous spring of 2003 mistake the Bush Administration made in Iraq. I will readily admit that GW "icily did nothing" to right the Iraq wrong and then lied and later blustered about it. It is time for you to get over GW's blustering MISSION ACCOMPLISHED speech!

Look at it this way Whirly. Obama promised to get us out of Iraq and he delivered on the promise. You need to get over GW's mistake in Iraq. It's over and done with. Forget about it!

Whirly, don't resort to punkish remarks such as Michelle Bachman calling Obama a "retard' or Governor Quitter's "shuck and jive" jab. You shouldn't refer to GW as a "punk." Try to be better than Bachman and Palin. It makes you look like an idiot!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2012, 07:31 AM
Some of you have been defending Obama saying that he was in the loop after all. Okay, have it your way. Obama sat in the White House situation room watching for seven hours as American died including two former Navy Seals who waited hours for help to arrive before they were murdered. Obama wrote them off and then lied to their families. Writing off our people is not an American trait. We fight for every person. Does this rise to the level of impeachment? I'll let the lawyers argue that point but this is certainly not someone I want in charge of anything.

Just to push the point; would Obama write off a city in Alaska if North Korea nuked it because he doesn't want any trouble? Sounds like he would. After all he wouldn't have to worry about a reelection after next year.

This was not a movie. Think about those men. Sitting in the dark, listening to the sounds of gun fire outside, and smelling the smoke. Wondering, not if, but when help was coming because that is what American do when there is trouble. We run towards the sound of gun fire and not to Las Vegas. I accuse Obama of cowardice under fire. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

drama queen.
Presidents have to make life and death decisions.

But for Obama to throw the First Amendment under the bus by blaming the freedom speech and freedom of religion this country enjoys for a causing a demonstration that killed the Ambassador when he knew that it was a planned terrorist attack...

shows Obama doesn't understand his Office, the duties of his Office and is not Presidential material.
Yes he should have jumped into air force one flew there and rescued the ambassador.
markroxny's Avatar
How many threads do we have on this same topic now?

You guys really think you have something here, but this is not gonna gain Romney votes in Ohio where he is still behind.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not nearly enough threads. Didn't Obama say that he would "move heaven and earth" to get OBL? He did you know but he couldn't even pick up a phone to save American lives.

In Ohio Obama leads with 2.1 % with 6.2% undecided. Historically, the challenger picks up about 70% of the undecided vote. 70% of 6.2 is 4.34%. What is left is 1.86%. 1.86% plus 2.1% is 3.96% and Romney ends up with 4.34%. In other words Romney wins by 24,490 votes (according to the secretary of state there are 7.7 million registered voters). YES!!! President-elect Romney!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Whirly, you shouldn't call GW a "punk" for regularly playing golf (after all, Presidents need recreation too) while over 4500 Americans eventually died resulting from the disastrous spring of 2003 mistake the Bush Administration made in Iraq. I will readily admit that GW "icily did nothing" to right the Iraq wrong and then lied and later blustered about it. It is time for you to get over GW's blustering MISSION ACCOMPLISHED speech!

Look at it this way Whirly. Obama promised to get us out of Iraq and he delivered on the promise. You need to get over GW's mistake in Iraq. It's over and done with. Forget about it!

Whirly, don't resort to punkish remarks such as Michelle Bachman calling Obama a "retard' or Governor Quitter's "shuck and jive" jab. You shouldn't refer to GW as a "punk." Try to be better than Bachman and Palin. It makes you look like an idiot!

Geez! Originally Posted by bigtex
on GW's time schedule,
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
on GW's time schedule, Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Yeah. I don't know why BigTurd keeps repeating that. He never mentions that Obama tried to renegotiate Bush's agreement to let us stay longer, but failed. If Obama had his way, we'd still be fighting that stupid war.
Not nearly enough threads. Didn't Obama say that he would "move heaven and earth" to get OBL? He did you know but he couldn't even pick up a phone to save American lives.

In Ohio Obama leads with 2.1 % with 6.2% undecided. Historically, the challenger picks up about 70% of the undecided vote. 70% of 6.2 is 4.34%. What is left is 1.86%. 1.86% plus 2.1% is 3.96% and Romney ends up with 4.34%. In other words Romney wins by 24,490 votes (according to the secretary of state there are 7.7 million registered voters). YES!!! President-elect Romney! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You got the right avatar your beating this topic is going to bore most of us to death.Move on surely you can find something else to piss and moan about..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe when you admit the truth about your master.
joe bloe's Avatar
Some of you have been defending Obama saying that he was in the loop after all. Okay, have it your way. Obama sat in the White House situation room watching for seven hours as American died including two former Navy Seals who waited hours for help to arrive before they were murdered. Obama wrote them off and then lied to their families. Writing off our people is not an American trait. We fight for every person. Does this rise to the level of impeachment? I'll let the lawyers argue that point but this is certainly not someone I want in charge of anything.

Just to push the point; would Obama write off a city in Alaska if North Korea nuked it because he doesn't want any trouble? Sounds like he would. After all he wouldn't have to worry about a reelection after next year.

This was not a movie. Think about those men. Sitting in the dark, listening to the sounds of gun fire outside, and smelling the smoke. Wondering, not if, but when help was coming because that is what American do when there is trouble. We run towards the sound of gun fire and not to Las Vegas. I accuse Obama of cowardice under fire. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No apparently he went to bed. Why should he stay up? It's not like he had any intention of authorizing a military strike.

joe bloe's Avatar
Yes he should have jumped into air force one flew there and rescued the ambassador. Originally Posted by ekim008
We just have such high standards for him, ever since he single handedly killed Bin Laden.