Obama: Lie or Flip-Flop on Sequestration - You Decide

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Didn't Obama say the sequestration wasn't his, then it turned out that it was? And didn't he say it wouldn't go into effect, and now he says it will?

From the article:

Though Obama is talking about avoiding the cuts for the first time, that’s not good enough for House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard “Buck” McKeon, R-Calif.

“On Monday, the president promised America’s military that sequestration will not happen,” McKeon said in a statement provided through a spokesman. “The very next day, when he thought the world wasn’t listening, the president admits that he doesn’t plan to address the issue until his next term, after [sequestration] goes into effect.

“What the president doesn’t seem to understand is that these cuts will devastate the military in ways that he cannot fix after the fact,” McKeon said. “By telling the American people on one day that sequestration will be fixed, and the next day saying he fully intends to allow it to happen, he continues to fuel uncertainty about hundreds of thousands of jobs.”

Was he lying then, or is he lying now?

Btw, if he had simply said "I'm going to let the sequestration go into effect", I would have applauded him. But he has to lie about everything.

The Bob Woodward (democrat), says Obama wasn't truthful...............
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When you say you got a bogie when you really got a double bogie....that's untruthful. Right WDF?

I say he lied.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Let's hope he was lying. The military budget needs to be slashed to the bone. Either you're serious about deficit reduction or you're not. You have to cut defense spending because that's where the money is. If he were smart, he'd say we're going to let sequestration take place and then we're going to cut some more after that. Unfortunately, I fear Obama neither has the balls to do that, nor is he liberal enough to think that it needs to be done. At heart, he's nothing more than a corporate, moderate Democrat, unfortunately.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's kind of what I said, TTH. If he just came out for sequestration, I'd support him. But he feels like he has to lie. Even when he doesn't have to.
TexTushHog's Avatar
But it's not a lie. He probably doesn't think the military budget needs to be slashed, because he's a centrist Democrat that sucks the corporate tit. He will weasel out of significant cuts to the military and still let Republicans gut social programs, albeit not gut them as badly as Romney would.
joe bloe's Avatar
Let's hope he was lying. The military budget needs to be slashed to the bone. Either you're serious about deficit reduction or you're not. You have to cut defense spending because that's where the money is. If he were smart, he'd say we're going to let sequestration take place and then we're going to cut some more after that. Unfortunately, I fear Obama neither has the balls to do that, nor is he liberal enough to think that it needs to be done. At heart, he's nothing more than a corporate, moderate Democrat, unfortunately. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
There's no such thing as a moderate Democrat. All the moderates left the party. Obama is a socialist. He was rated as the most liberal senator, even more liberal than admitted socialist Bernie Sanders.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Well, I guarantee if Bernie had run against the President in the primary, it would have been one hell of a fight. He would have gotten huge numbers of votes. I wrote him and asked him to run.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, at least Bernie is honest about who he is, and I'd prefer that over the liar we have now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have you votes Bitchita Whineman?
Please get out and vote early and then STFU!
[QUOTE=joe bloe;1051808042]There's no such thing as a moderate Democrat. All the moderates left the party. Obama is a socialist. He was rated as the most liberal senator, even more liberal than admitted socialist Bernie Sanders.

Then by the same token a person would be correct in saying there are no moderate republicans they have all left the party.
joe bloe's Avatar
Well, I guarantee if Bernie had run against the President in the primary, it would have been one hell of a fight. He would have gotten huge numbers of votes. I wrote him and asked him to run. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I hope he runs as a Socialist/Communist, third party candidate the way FDR's former vice president, Henry Wallace, did.
