Company of Obama export adviser encourages outsourcing jobs to Mexico

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting article about one of Obama's export advisers. I guess it's cool to outsource jobs, unless you're Mitt Romney.


“Several of our suppliers have successfully set up factories in Mexico because of the numerous advantages that Mexico offers to aerospace suppliers,” McKenna wrote, according to the letter sent Oct. 17 and first reported on by the Seattle Times. “Boeing will be sending several people to this event, and we wanted to inform our supply base of this opportunity.”

The letter encouraging outsourcing has raised some eyebrows because Boeing CEO Jim McNerney currently serves as chairman of President Barack Obama’s Export Council.

The outsourcing event will take place in the president’s hometown of Chicago where former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel currently serves as mayor.

The conference is slated to “cover a range of topics related to manufacturing and doing business in Mexico and will have speakers from various companies who have successfully moved business into Mexico.”

Full article here:
LexusLover's Avatar
“Several of our suppliers have successfully set up factories in Mexico because of the numerous advantages that Mexico offers to aerospace suppliers,” McKenna wrote,...."

Particularly with regard to those industries from which they have excelled due to their thriving and competitive space program ... which has been slowed somewhat by the shift of space engineers toward the U.S. borders to find better jobs in the California ... silly-con valley.

No wonder we ain't gonna go back to the moon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
These are the type of people Obama looks to for advice. Now we know why the economy is still going down the toilet.