Encounter: Ok time at Vina

User ID: -
Date: 10/02/24
Name: Jennifer (no not that one)
Phone: 601-316-1707
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Ridgeland
State: Mississippi
Address: Old Canton
Activities: Massage, hj
Hair Length and Color: Dark, shorter
Age: 50+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Older Asian. I would say late 50’s at best, which means she might be 80.
Not hot, but not awful relatively.
Recommendation: Yes
See PM.
PM sent
Was this a residence or business space
Guitar's Avatar
Thanks for the report ResMan. Hopefully this turns into something beneficial to all of us AMP lovers.
Where is this place on Old Canton?
Dr-epg's Avatar
#12 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones.

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