Mr irrelevant Tucker Carlson

winn dixie's Avatar

Tucks lost a book deal because he's not relevant anymore.

A lost book deal and now properly labeled a conspiracy theorists.
VitaMan's Avatar
... There will be other book deals for him.

They can always offour him MORE MONEY... $$$$$

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Point is. He's irrelevant now. His audience has dwindled and he's mostly reporting conspiracy theories. Talk about an entitled buffoon willing to do anything to be recognized.
VitaMan's Avatar
Tucker will soon become more irrelevant than David Letterman. He is basically a side show now.

This week Carlson announced plans for a 15-city arena tour alongside figures like Alex Jones and Marjorie Taylor Greene, a classic example of a decline.

Bill O’Reilly tried the same thing with Trump, and ended up pushing investments.
Point is. He's irrelevant now. His audience has dwindled and he's mostly reporting conspiracy theories. Talk about an entitled buffoon willing to do anything to be recognized.
Lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie

So I assume that your net worth is estimated to be 30 million like Tuckers is heh WD? Pretty sure he would not give 2 shits what a couple of lefties on a hooker board think. Hell I doubt that all of the lefties in this forum combined have a net worth like Tucker.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Winn is a leftie, who's net worth is estimated at 30 mil. According to the assumptions of the golfer guy.

You make an ass out of yourself, sir.

I'm a billionaire. Go ahead and assume.

LMFAO you hear that laughing eccie user? That is people laughing at you and not with you. Seems as though your best talent is posting inane you tube video's on a hooker board. Come back when you have something relevant to say.
txdot-guy's Avatar
So I assume that your net worth is estimated to be 30 million like Tuckers is heh WD? Pretty sure he would not give 2 shits what a couple of lefties on a hooker board think. Hell I doubt that all of the lefties in this forum combined have a net worth like Tucker. Originally Posted by golferguy55
LMFAO you hear that laughing eccie user? That is people laughing at you and not with you. Seems as though your best talent is posting inane you tube video's on a hooker board. Come back when you have something relevant to say. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Hey GG55. Plenty of rich conmen out there. Including ole Von Schitzenpants. Money doesn’t make you a good person. In fact usually the opposite. Tucker Carlson literally can’t be trusted. So says Fox News Lawyers.

You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers.

Reasonable Viewers Don’t Look to Tucker Carlson for Facts, Fox Asserts

The stupendously dishonest Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson ruined his own career. Mostly by feeding his followers lies upon lies and then finally getting called to the carpet on it.
You are exactly right that $ does not make the person. But tell me what office that Tucker is running for that is going to change policy or have a huge impact on your everyday life? For Christ's sake he is a reporter and if you believe everything that the write then I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
LMFAO you hear that laughing eccie user? That is people laughing at you and not with you. Seems as though your best talent is posting inane you tube video's on a hooker board. Come back when you have something relevant to say. Originally Posted by golferguy55
You're a newbie. You don't know my best unless you read back in the record. I'm an acquired taste.

Stick around and have fun. You might learn something. You obviously don't give any meaning to the videos. If I have to explain, the joke is lost and over your head. Sorry for you.
winn dixie's Avatar
Magas think tucks pad is their messiah.
In actuality he's trumpfs goebbels!

He's down at the bottom of credibility with Alex jones and Glenn beck.
All Mr irrelevants
You're a newbie. You don't know my best unless you read back in the record. I'm an acquired taste.

Stick around and have fun. You might learn something. You obviously don't give any meaning to the videos. If I have to explain, the joke is lost and over your head. Sorry for you. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Why would I want to waste my time on someone as irrelevant as you are on a hooker board? But you keep doing you and posting your inane you tube video's and Wking for WD. BTW I am sure you are a billionaire if you count all those rials that you have stuffed under your mattress .
txdot-guy's Avatar
You are exactly right that $ does not make the person. But tell me what office that Tucker is running for that is going to change policy or have a huge impact on your everyday life? For Christ's sake he is a reporter and if you believe everything that the write then I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Then say that. It’s a great point. Tucker bashing is what this thread is about.

Therefore let me start. Tucker is not a reporter. Good reporting reports facts and not lies. Good journalism doesn’t need to ask loaded questions to get the answers they already want.

Tucker Carlson is an entertainer. It’s unfortunate that so many people believe he is a journalist.
Magas think tucks pad is their messiah.
In actuality he's trumpfs goebbels!

He's down at the bottom of credibility with Alex jones and Glenn beck.
All Mr irrelevants Originally Posted by winn dixie

LMFAO the TDS is strong with this one. Are you afraid that Tucker is going to have the power to cut that SSI check you live on each month? Just curious.