The Capital riot BULLSHIT narrative of the leftwing nuts...JUST BLEW UP IN THE FACES!!

It seems that the so called "insurrectionist" narrative of the leftwing wackos just got deep sixed...tell us more about the coolaid ya'll been drinking. I guess it's from pissant's punch bowl!! Did anyone see or read anything from the LSM about this??

HUGE: FBI Investigation Just Blew Up the Dem Narrative about the Capitol Riot
By Nick Arama | Aug 20, 2021 12:00 PM ET

On a Friday, in the middle of the debacle going on in Afghanistan, with a lot of eyes all focused there because of the trapped Americans and Afghan allies, some other rather important news just dropped. It completely blows up the ridiculous narrative that Democrats have pushed since Jan. 6.

According to four current and former law enforcement officials, the FBI has “found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result.” The FBI doesn’t believe that the riot was “centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.”

We could have told you that, it was always a political lie. This even as Democrats have gone full-bore organizing a committee to ‘get to the bottom’ of it. Translation: see how can use it, wrongly, to demonize Republicans. It’s a three hour riot that’s already being investigated more by the FBI probably more than any riot known to man – with 570 people arrested, certainly more than any of the BLM/Antifa actions that still continue.

From Reuters:

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

So what do the Democrats and media say after once again slandering President Donald Trump, not to mention other Republican politicians on this? Just like the Russia collusion hoax, here’s yet another lie that’s blown up on them.

The FBI investigators found that while some of the people might have wanted to break into the Capitol, there was “no evidence” that they had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside. This is why they didn’t file any sedition charges. Oh. So the folks who argue that this was about overthrowing the government folks also get dealt a huge blow with this.

So in essence, we are talking about what we’ve always been talking about here – a riot. BLM/Antifa rioted/attacked the Portland federal court house for more than 100 days, coming out with the same people. Yet their pictures aren’t posted to be investigated on their own page, most weren’t held and none of those leaders appears to have been identified or even pursued, despite the obvious organizing of it all over more than a year.

“Senior lawmakers have been briefed in detail on the results of the FBI’s investigation so far and find them credible,” Reuters said about Congress being told.

This pretty much puts paid to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s committee as well. She’s still going to use it to try to attack the GOP, but this finding should be the answer in response to anything she throws out there.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 01:53 PM
Three threads - But thanks - bb
... bump

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they're pretty quiet on this. hehehehe
LexusLover's Avatar
they're pretty quiet on this. hehehehe Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
1. Russian Collusion
2. Russian spy
3. Hillary's Fake election in 2016
4. "Every U.S. citizen who wants out of Afghanistan is out!"
5. The Southern border is secure!

The list is getting longer ....
It wasn’t insurrection

It was spontaneous outrage at six years of lies, thefts, government partisanship , impeachments for loving America and its constitution and coverups
Yssup Rider's Avatar
1. Russian Collusion
2. Russian spy
3. Hillary's Fake election in 2016
4. "Every U.S. citizen who wants out of Afghanistan is out!"
5. The Southern border is secure!

The list is getting longer .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Gotta get a WHOLE lot longer than that to approach Trump's worst single DAY.

Gotta get a WHOLE lot longer than that to approach Trump's worst single DAY.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The PISSANT has got the country chanting...LET’S GO BRANDON!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Nick at RedState

RedState so far right it is listed as nonsense and damaging to public discourse.
And you use this now as your source for information ?
Can you go any lower ? You have lost your status as a POISSANT.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gotta get a WHOLE lot longer than that to approach Trump's worst single DAY.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

what day was that? Evey day Trump kept that bitch Clinton out of the White House was a great day for America.

Nick at RedState

RedState so far right it is listed as nonsense and damaging to public discourse.
And you use this now as your source for information ?
Can you go any lower ? You have lost your status as a POISSANT.

Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
Nick at RedState

RedState so far right it is listed as nonsense and damaging to public discourse.
And you use this now as your source for information ?
Can you go any lower ? You have lost your status as a POISSANT.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
I forgot nbc is the bearer of all truths...
You NEVER answered how's Bullosey's "investigation" is going on the Jan. 6th "insurrection"...the worst tragedy in US history, I don't expect you to answer. Just as you're mum on BRANDON'S accomplishments..IT'S NOT A TRICK QUESTION!!
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Using RedState as a source.....unreal.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Alabama Oath Keeper Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charges Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

Defendant Admits to Planning, Communicating and Conspiring with Others in Advance of Capitol Breach

That doesn't sound like a spontaneous action to me.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 11:03 AM
Portland, Seattle Minneapolis, LA, SanFrancisco, NY, and On and ON.

the democraticommunist party adherents are in denial and hypocrisy.

May your own house be treated as you choose to advocate teh treatment of your perceived political enemies.