Female Masking.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Vice presented a short news story about the underground practice of men dressing up as dolls.

It's mostly a heterosexual male activity.

I'm a huge fan of Vice News:

Here's another article about the practice:

I was totally prepared to be creeped out. But I wasn't. Well, not really. Thinking, well maybe just a little teeny tiny bit. In a way, it reminds me of a scary movie or something a serial killer would wear.

Still, the merchant mentality in me suggests that this is something to look into with regard to my current sex work. Let's be practical here.

I LIKE my cross dressers. It's fun for me. So how far behind could this be for potentially dressing WAY up?

So what do you think? Is anyone familiar with this? Think that is a "thing" in the Dallas area or could be?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
OK. I know that this topic is fairly odd for some to even consider doing.

However, does no one have an opinion on this? Would anyone dare to suggest that they may wish to try it?

The masks makes me feel somewhat claustrophobic when I consider wearing one. I don't think that I could.

Just thought I'd add something to this topic!

Well, far be it from me to be critical. This is Another Realm and we are the most tolerant forum on this site. I had never heard of this but it just struck me as a bit silly. It does say that the US is one of the main players of this game, so I would imagine you should be able to find some people in Dallas interested in it. The old chap tottering around on stilettos looked to be in danger of falling over and snapping his ankle. You might want to bear that in mind if you do go down this route. You wouldn't want to be sued.
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
The only real opinion I can form on this is that it is a bit strange, however I'm fairly open minded and not negatively judgemental on anyone who would like this. It isn't something I would enjoy but it is interesting nonetheless. What I pick up from this is that it is a way to "mask" certain insecurities people have about their physical appearance or how they feel as an individual, which can be theraputic. If this was offered as a service what is the person getting for the session? I'm just not familiar with these types of sessions I guess. As far as being sued as mentioned above as long as there is no admittance to sex for money or sexual contact at all, then I assume the person could sign a waiver stating it is done at their own risk and liability. Still risky though. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I enjoy dressing up in either silly or elaborate scary costumes where I am unrecognizable and get into character pretty easy the entire night. It is like being a different person.