Guest041817's Avatar
Just wanted to make something clear since it seems I have a man with a problem with me on here...
I have ONE NCNS...Out of 30 Reviews..and if you look I made it up to him and he re-did my review....I have always made it a point to make up things I do wrong in this business and thats why I do have great reviews...If you have a problem with me dont go blasting it all over ECCIE...Try and be alittle mature and PM me... Seeing how you have the story all wrong anyway...Its immature. Anyone who has seen me can vouche for me...I am tired of this.
I can vouch for u Keeki. Don't worry about Seth, I think he is the resident hater & everyone on here knows it.
i have never had a problem with this lady. it is always great companionship when I visit with her
DallasRain's Avatar
I luv ya Keeki!
  • sethg
  • 08-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Mr. Baker, you are the resident fool which is evident since you did not read her post before shooting off at what you do best hiding behind the keyboard, if you would of read her post she stated she made it up to the person she had a problem with, so that would not be me, since I have not seen her.
Before you type remove foot from mouth and try not to speak trash about people, especially with your whopping (1) review.
And I sure you vouching for anyone surely carries alot of weight around here! hahahahahahahaha!
Guest041817's Avatar
I was talking about the guy in No I havent made it up to seth but this post wasnt about seth it was about someone else...i cant judge seth because I dont know him..and i really cant remember me standing him up I may have but it wasnt on purpose...I never do things on purpose to piss people off...I just am unlucky sometimes.
Guest041817's Avatar
PS: thank you guys for standing up for me though..I do need to tighten some areas up in my providing area but no one is perfect...i can only get better.
  • sethg
  • 08-17-2012, 10:03 AM
Hey Eric, do you really feel stupid now? Wow open mouth insert foot quickly.
Omahan's Avatar
Where is the NCNS review now? I would like to read it to see what all the fuss is about.
Guest041817's Avatar
its in the pittsburg section but the guy went on the one I have in Omaha and was very rude..he didnt take the time to see I rescheduled with the guy and he redid my review.
Omahan's Avatar
OK, I see why I missed it. I never read Pittsburg
livn2do's Avatar
Keeki, next time someone talks shit about you just let us know and we'll unleash a plethora of titty twisters on them. That'll teach em.
Guest041817's Avatar
thanks babe...i see he only joined to post that crap and hasnt posted anything since and wont respond to it.
Keeki... where are you based now? I've seen Mich, Louisiana, you're posting in Iowa, I had you faved as St. Louis. Do you/will you tour IL?
Guest041817's Avatar
I live in Michigan lol...but yes I am gonna be in a couple cities in IL in October babe