pea gravel for driveway..looking to buy,not barter

DallasRain's Avatar
Well the rain has made mush of my backyard driveway area and I cant park in my neighbors driveway anymore cause theyre renting it out......
So I need suggestions where to buy a few buckets of gravel to put in that mudhole I call my driveway lol
(prob about 4 buckets)

ClarityE's Avatar
Should be able to find some at Home Depot or Lowes. Might be more cost efficient to get a ton of gravel from a rock store.

I also see that Walmart has some too.

Well the rain has made mush of my backyard driveway area and I cant park in my neighbors driveway anymore cause theyre renting it out......
So I need suggestions where to buy a few buckets of gravel to put in that mudhole I call my driveway lol
(prob about 4 buckets)

thanks!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Pardon me for sticking my nose in but if it were my driveway I would put "base rock" down. It is a mix of fines and assorted sizes of rock that stick together and form a very hard surface similar to concrete. Find a good ole country boy who hauls rock and dirt with his dump truck and he can get you fixed up with a good and fair price and a much better road/driveway.
What MJC said. Pea gravel is loose with no fines and wont compact. If you drive on it it will just move and have same problem. Go to a landscape supply place with some five gallon buckets. Big box stores dont sell what you need.