Do you think that this forum is better or worse because Montards enforce the rules differently depending on what personal favors are offered or because of personal feelings?
Should that recluse themselves when someone feels they are being treated unfairly? Be removed for preferential treatment? Do you think that complaints from members should be addressed as customer complaints and punishment emposed just like members by pointing them when they do wrong? Should it be a ban from Modtarding or a total ban from site if they point out?
Do you think that Still Looking is doing something to correct the way he was treated which gave him a 4 month vacation which there are some that feel that the judgment, put against him, was tainted? He wants to correct the situation by getting the Mod either to change his behavior, methods, ant treatment of members or be removed. He has made it happen before, he will do it again.
The mod in question just preformed an action that is going to come back to haunt him IMHO as he enforced one rule while ignoring another in the same thread. He is is not a Teflon Bill Clinton or a Mr. Donald as he reports to someone who will make corrections when needed.
Go ahead, Flame me, but remember to follow the " " rules as this is a " " site after all.