Ladies, would you ever use these services?

Or is the concept kind of senseless to you?
Naomi4u's Avatar
This has been discussed before and a few ladies have said they would hire a male escort only because they don't have the time to date in their personal life or they don't want to be in an actual relationship while continuing to escort.

On topic: ..... Oh my damn. $300 an hour? Sign me up!
I am not above hiring a male escort ESPECIALLY if those are real pics, they're MSOG and they won't pull a bait and switch .

My faves:

Link has been bookmarked. Thank you. Now I know it's time to start planning that trip to Vegas!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Ummmm They had their own HBO show going for a while and it was HOT!! Loved see the men's side of it...................
Naomi4u's Avatar
Dayum i missed the show
Oh well I'll plan a trip to Vegas in a few weeks and experience the real thing.
Not sure.

I don't have a problem paying for it though. I like a for sure thing, the easiest and smoothest way possible.

Or is the concept kind of senseless to you? Originally Posted by wreckshop
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I wouldn't, too many willing boy toy's out there that would put those guys to shame
However I see nothing wrong with it.

Naomi4u's Avatar
Not sure.

I don't have a problem paying for it though. I like a for sure thing, the easiest and smoothest way possible. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Hmmm....I'm thinking Vegas soon. Road trip??
I called them once to see if they ever travel to Kansas City

I would totally see a professional, just to compare.
I've hired a male escort before just to see what it was like to be on the other side of the fence. /FAIL. He was hot but lasted like 5 minutes - not even.
Civil world is definitely better.
March or April???

Hmmm....I'm thinking Vegas soon. Road trip?? Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
john353's Avatar
I've hired a male escort before just to see what it was like to be on the other side of the fence. /FAIL. He was hot but lasted like 5 minutes - not even.
Civil world is definitely better. Originally Posted by Shayla
5 minutes...LMAO!!

Was he aware that he was dealing with a professional...himself? I can only imagine the look on the guys face when you got through with him. LOL

I know that a lot or most of us guys, are not 'GQ' or model material...and I'm sure its probably the same for a male escort as well.

So walking into a room and finding himself looking at a woman like Shayla or any of you other ladies here... and on top of that, not knowing that she was an escort herself........poor guy never had a chance. LOL
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
No, I would never hire one. I guess it's not because I "wouldn't" it's because I don't "have" too.

There are just too many great looking guys available in Houston 7 nights a week. It's so easy to meet a guy here.

If I lived in a small city where there were less of the type of men I am attracted too then sure, I might give it a shot.
I would hire a dude make him put in some work! Around my house!

Fix me sammiches
Fix the lock on my door
Edge the lawn a bit
Feed me exotic grapes in my canopy
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Skylar, I can do all those things. Part of the hubby experience. So can we barter? Then it is just like we are married! Ha!
I kind of would use their services, yes. For the same reasons guys use escorts. Problem is, I have already a nice toyboy in private , so I can save my cash. But , yes, I think it is interesting apporach, because dating is demanding to impossible due to my job, and I am not the one hanging out in Bars sweet talking guys. Too demanding. What if they want to see me again? Or its happening in your favourite bars? I don`t want any reputation in bars I frequent. Words gets around...So, yes, will do, would do.

in this case that is the most likely one i would be attracted to. But still, none of these guys realls are my taste...