Simply Simone's Avatar
Where do we write our ads and how do we edit our signature now
that Eccie has changed?
Why is this question not being answered by the mods and where are the provider ads and the weekend lineup on this site? Why no "in search of" on this site, where do we do that?
MuffinMan's Avatar
Sorry no one has answered your questions. Let me see if I can give it a try.

Your Ads now go into the Weekly Update section. One Ad per week.
As for now, the signature lines have been disabled. Bee watching as they may come back
Weekend Lineup is not active as of yet. No word as to if it will return.
ISO section is not available for now. Not sure when or if it will return.

If you have other questions, please post them or PM me. BTW...All staff have been very busy learning the new board. We ask your patience.