Some thoughts on the current situation.
The mayor of Seattle is reported as describing the Take over of Capitol hill area of Seattle as 'summer of Love" - reference to 1967 San Francisco in haight ashbury - I suppose. The Libs are all in favor of Armed anarchists and radicals taking over people's - citizens and taxpayers- private homes and businesses for their radical pipe dream of a Society without "Cops" - or other government institutions. Yet they have set up barrier (borders) with armed guards (Border Patrol), are shakeing down residents for money (taxation) to support their pipe dream of a "free society". And threatening armed response with their light weapons to any police response. Setting up the same governmental controls they so object to under the Constitution in the US.
Lib media is all ga-ga over these "freedom fighters' and their "courageous fight" against "racial injustice". - By taking the Constitutional rights of the residents of the area.
Hypothetical Question - if the "bully boys" - a rightist group of white nationalist ( not supremacist) folks came in with Ar-15's instead of ak's and took control of Capitol Hill in Seattle - what would be the response of the LSM and the DPST political structure of Seattle and Washington State. ( i use the Term 'bully' as would have President Theodore Roosevelt. Libs may have to find a history book unaltered to reveal to themselves the identity of the 26th President.)
I invite comments on the issue.
Confederate Flag - the Confederate Battle Flag has been raised as an in issue of "it makes me offended" by certain groups. And has been banned in many areas - including now NASCAR in order to not "offend" certain minority groups with loud voices in the LSM.
Yet - it is legal for the American flag to be burned as "free speech" - in a decision of our own Supreme Court.
Is this "Equal protection under the Law" - or have we caved in to a special interest minority group seeking special privileges and protections not available to others not of the minority groups
Seems to me the DPST party is al about carving out special interests and privileges and protections for those on the DPST Plantation - and Damn Caucasians to second class status with no "Equal Protection " under the Constitution.
is this DPST "Racism"?- I invite comments.
Pelosi and her House group were recently photo-oped Kneeling with a Black African shawl around their necks in "solidarity" to BLM. There has been criticism nancy and her group were not entitled to wear the symbol - they ain't Black enough. From the BLM protest group . Is BLM seeking special privileges as a 'discriminated minority" - for themselves and all their symbols they choose to appropriate. Are nancy and the DPST's in the business of "special privileges " for "special people" in exchange for Votes????
How about "All Lives Matter" - Equally under the law and Constitution. When a Latin cop in texas shot and killed a white woman unorovoked - and was convicted and imprisoned fo rthe act - no big deal to the LSM and DPST;s - yet a Black man - career criminal - is arrested , resists arrest - and is killed by a cop with a knee on the neck . That cop is promptly arrsted and charged with murder for the act. Yet the LSM and BLM go crazy in "Outrage' over the matter . Asking for "Justice' - while the Justice system clearly is takini gits' course.
What do the "Justice seeking" BLM's want - the right to march in and lynch Chauvin out of hand?. Bet there is a majority of BLM's who would do just that with no thought of Chauvin's Constitutional rights to Equal Protection and Due Process under the law.
Is this BLM and Pelosi and crew blatant "Racism" and institutionalized DPST Racism - that only Black Lives Matter - seems so to me - Caucasians need not apply for protection under the Law.
So - I am not referencing every point - the points and basis of discussion are mostly well published on this Forum. I invite comments and discussion - and let's leave the foolish memes and name-calling Home. If U cannot post something erudite and constructive - Perhaps you are a "Liberal"???