Pulitzer Prize Winning New York Times Reporter Spills It

berryberry's Avatar
Pulitzer Prize Winning New York Times Reporter
Matthew Rosenberg exposed on undercover tape saying:

January 6 Media Coverage was an‘Overreaction,

The FBI was involved in Jan 6

The Event Was Not Organized Despite Ongoing Narrative

Calls Traumatized NY Times Reporters "Fucking Bitches"

All those with Trump Derangement Syndrome better retreat to their safe spaces after watching this

... Ask Nancy Pelosi where those National Guard troops
President Trump asked for went? ... They never made it
there on 6 Jan.

... Did they?

### Salty
... Blimey! ... That bloke is from the NY Times??
And he WON a Pulitzer Prize for his reportings?

Hmmmm... No doubt for his stories of "Trump/Russia Collusion"...

### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Yet, a jury found one of the participants guilty of 5 felonies. 200 ppl have plead guilty in the Jan 6 actions at the capital.


While January 6th in a singular day may be considered a reactionary, incendiary moment of politics, these last months have uncovered the deliberate actions of treason and conspiracy, seditious conspiracy, and other less nefarious charges to the attendees of the riot. I find it hard to believe that the lingering effects are yet continued emotional over reactions, BUT instead are thoughtful, mindful- judgment of the actions that a few misguided sore losers decided they needed to take. Those weak-minded folks that were easily LED to a demonstration, and willfully entered the capital should all be jailed and held accountable for their actions. These people chanting "hang Mike Pence" and entered the capital should be prosecuted too.

When lions eat their young it's to stop a lineage and bring the females back into season, when reptards do it, it's simply them seeing that a fair process didn't work, so let's kill off the defacto favorites and put in new ones. Reminds me of the mob and organized crime families. The whole loyalty to Trump over-all, is what sickens me the most about morons on the right.

Sure, there are some classy bastards that don't believe in that fallacy, who are Republicans, but the majority are the loyal followers of the cult.
berryberry's Avatar
People have been telling America this. Those paying attention know it.

The J6 Committee and prosecutions are largely a coverup for the FBI’s involvement.

Not dissimilar to the Russia Hoax being the coverup for illegal spying by Dems and the FBI/DOJ.

Are you paying attention yet?
... Actually - the fellow WAS GUILTY of most of the charges there.
Don't let that fact go unnoticed, Eye.

We conservatives believed this bloke was guilty - He took a gun
with him and also made threats against his-own children.

Just as we believe Nancy Pelosi is guilty of not having
enough security there on 6 January.

### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-09-2022, 02:51 PM
If you fight the Federal courts you lose, no wonder many people plead to settle it.

Further, the punishments were punitive, especially compared to what was done to rioters the year before.

And of course the FBI had a part in it, just as they did in the plot to Kidnap that cunt governor in Michigan, its blatantly creating a crime where none would have ever occurred, by instigating stupid people.

Which, has always happened, its just never covered.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-09-2022, 02:54 PM
Yet, a jury found one of the participants guilty of 5 felonies. 200 ppl have plead guilty in the Jan 6 actions at the capital.


While January 6th in a singular day may be considered a reactionary, incendiary moment of politics, these last months have uncovered the deliberate actions of treason and conspiracy, seditious conspiracy, and other less nefarious charges to the attendees of the riot. I find it hard to believe that the lingering effects are yet continued emotional over reactions, BUT instead are thoughtful, mindful- judgment of the actions that a few misguided sore losers decided they needed to take. Those weak-minded folks that were easily LED to a demonstration, and willfully entered the capital should all be jailed and held accountable for their actions. These people chanting "hang Mike Pence" and entered the capital should be prosecuted too.

When lions eat their young it's to stop a lineage and bring the females back into season, when reptards do it, it's simply them seeing that a fair process didn't work, so let's kill off the defacto favorites and put in new ones. Reminds me of the mob and organized crime families. The whole loyalty to Trump over-all, is what sickens me the most about morons on the right.

Sure, there are some classy bastards that don't believe in that fallacy, who are Republicans, but the majority are the loyal followers of the cult. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You haven't seen an insurrection yet, what happened on the 6th was nothing, NOTHING.

Furthers its now clear it was a created event, from the top down to the cops on the ground allowing people to come in, or even encouraging it.

That's the best part though, the left thinks they have actually seen anger against the government, and they haven't.

Take a look at Ukraine, we wouldn't have enough guns for everybody, and, we have a shit ton lot of guns.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-09-2022, 02:56 PM
In fact, about the Ukraine look I recommended?

The Russians are analagous to the left in this country, they are the communists, just as our left is, and all of us in the hinterlands, fly over country, the farmers, miners, truck drivers, we're the Ukrainians.

When you attempt to take over, that's what it will look like here.
eyecu2's Avatar
Devo- you sound like a sabre rattling kinda guy....who would think the other side has no weapons at all. It may surprise you that many ppl on the left are staunch supporters of the 2nd amendment as are many on the right. Zeolites aside, there's gonna be a few ppl with more or less in the way of protection but last time I checked, you can usually fire only one or two guns at a time. All bullshitting aside, I don't think either side is looking to outgun their neighbor unless your an antisocial mental case from the get go. Not suggesting you're that,but your always quick with the " you ain't seen nothing yet" rhetoric.

But it's amazing to see how you and Berry always spin anything that reptards get caught doing and prosecuted as either a cover-up, or the latest conspiracy theory. Alex Jones must love you guys, and vice versa.
berryberry's Avatar
You haven't seen an insurrection yet, what happened on the 6th was nothing, NOTHING.

Furthers its now clear it was a created event, from the top down to the cops on the ground allowing people to come in, or even encouraging it.

That's the best part though, the left thinks they have actually seen anger against the government, and they haven't.
Originally Posted by Devo
Spot on. The left blew Jan 6 WAY out of proportion. The NY Times writer admits that. This was a false flag event egged on by the FBI to try and entrap people. As I said before, there were a few crazies who did go too far and deserve prosecution and punishment. But most of the people were non-violent tourists who walked through open doors, some held open by the police, and stayed within the velvet ropes doing no harm. It is these people who have been unfairly persecuted, held for months on end with no bail and the ones who settled to escape their unjust incarceration

But like all things Trump related, the libtards TDS addled brains don't let them think straight
eyecu2's Avatar

Ha hahahaha..All tourists' aboard our next stop, Alcatraz, Sing-song and Shawshank!

All reptards aboard!
berryberry's Avatar
.. And LET INSIDE by the POLICE! ...

Remind me again how many firebombs went off inside
the Capitol building... How much Looting??

Other-than the bloke who ran off with the extra pair
of dentures that Pelosi left on her desk.

### Salty
What about the white girl shot in the face and murdered, never mentioned by the media, why.