No Call, No Shows...question for Providers?

How often do you get guys that don't show up for an appointment? Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
Never had that happen.

What do you do after he fails to show up or fails to cancel?
I would give him 48 hours to explain and if he doesn't respond in 48 hours, I'd blacklist him. Simple.
I got one once....

As someone that has never ncns, i just cant think of a good enough excuse to not at least call. So simply... if i get ncns... he is automatically placed on my DNS list. I am 100% about respect.. even a hooker deserves it. If you cant respect my time than chances are good we wouldnt mesh at a later date anyway.
But... i dont see a ncns alert worthy..
I'd still blacklist. Most blacklisting sites organize guys by category ranging from a basic timewaster to full on psychopath.

So, being on a blacklist site does not equate to being a murderer or LE, most of the time it just tells you about less severe infractions that could still weigh significantly in your decision to see the client.

I'd just put him down as a timewaster and I think other girls should too. There are whole websites dedicated to guys who literally get off on booking the session and will never ,ever actually show up.

Considering the time put into each booking, and the fact that my time is very literally my money, I'd like to be able to put a guys info into a screening site and see if he's been deemed as a "timewaster" by 5 girls in the last month. Thanks to their due diligence, I would not waste my time and resources.

I mean, this is all providing the guy can't even be bothered to shoot me a message letting me know what happened within the days following the offense...if he can take a totally "fuck you" attitude towards a few hundred dollars of my income, he can see his disrespectful ass permanently blacklisted.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'd say monthly 10-15% of my appointments NCNS.

If they have for a fact confirmed that we are on for lets say 2pm on Wednesday and they know for a fact I have set that time aside for them and then they no call no show, if I have not heard from them in 24 hours I always post on provider buzz, alert my provider friends and if they are a board memeber I post their handle in the ladies area with a report of how inconsiderate they were.

I also block them from any further contact with me and will never agree to see them again.