1st time Questions

If this is in the wrong section mods, please feel free to move/remove, as this is the first time I've been able to place a post in the Iowa section, for whatever reason...

Ok, I've decided to bite the bullet and meet a provider for the first time. I've been through the screening process (and presumably approved) and am trying to figure out a date when I will be in her area before I make contact again to set up a date. I've read her website and other etiquette sections, but there are a couple things I haven't been able to find that i hope someone here can answer for me.

1) A longer date. If I have the funds available and wish to, I understand it's ok to ask the provider about extending the date, with proper compensation of course. What I havent been able to glean from my readings is, is the transaction handled the same way (in a card by the tv, by the sink, etc etc); or is it appropriate to hand that directly to her?

2) Tips. Pretty much the same question.

3) After a relationship is established, is it ever permissible to ask a provider "Hey, I'm going to be in city X, do you know anyone there you would recommend to see"?

4) Without being too intrusive (I value my privacy as much as a provider values theirs), how does one know where to draw the line in normal conversation (aside from obvious common sense) as to whats too personal of a question to ask a provider?

Thanks in advance,
I can answer you on 3 and 4

It is perfectly fine to ask a provider's opinion if you get to know them. As you will see on this board, they are all pretty knowledgeable of whose good and not. One provider has steered me clear of providers that may work for other people but not me.

4. Depends on the provider. I always try to get to know them because they are people. Just because they are in a line of work that isn't seen in a positive light in society doesn't mean they cease to be people. I've gotten know a few providers beyond just the "deed" if you will and have met some really cool people.
You’ve been a member for nine years and you’re just now deciding to bite the bullet?

Almost hard to believe.
1. How long the date will be should always be decided PRIOR to meeting. The ladies need to plan their days accordingly. With that said, if you bring it up with the provider ahead of time and ask them if it's okay with them to extend if needed, they will likely tell you right away if that will work or not, travelling providers are likely going to have a tighter schedule, so you might have better luck with local ladies. Providers generally like to be payed upfront if it's your first time seeing them, that way it's much easier for them to relax and do what they do best. If you are seeing a reputable provider, there should be no reason to not pay her upfront. If she agrees to extend if needed, then just add the additional amount in the same spot you left the original donation.

2.Same goes for tips, leave it where you left the rest, in a nice visible spot.

3. There is no harm in asking. Use your best judgement, but really you should do your own research.

4. You pretty much answered this one yourself...if you don't want the provider asking you the same question, don't ask it...
tinman483's Avatar
Most of it just play it by ear! Always be respectful !

But don't hand them the donation! Just put it where it is in sight.
DallasRain's Avatar
Most of it just play it by ear! Always be respectful !

But don't hand them the donation! Just put it where it is in sight. Originally Posted by tinman483

Ditto....and clear communications is key to success