Search Engine Optimization - Tips

For anyone that is skeptical about my free offer for SEO help that wants to go at it themselves, here are some things you need to do

1) Keep your meta titles as short and descriptive as possible. Separate the sections with the | (pipe.) Each page should have a title tag that is different than other pages. An example of a property structured title tag would be "You Name | Premier GFE Cougar | Austin, Texas
2) Find 10-15 keywords that are the most relevant. escort, gfe, austin, cedar park, mature, cougar, milf
3) Keep your description to less than 30 words. "Austins premier GFE/PSE Cougar specializing in upscale clients" Make your description as relevant as possible and use as many words from your title and keywords.
4) Make sure all of your pictures have Alt Tags. These are short descriptions of what the picure is about.
5) Use the Google Webmaster tools to create the meta verfication tags so google knows that your site is verified.
6) Create a sitemap. Sitemaps are the way the Google bot crawls your site and you tell it what to index.

If I can answer any questions, please PM me.