checking in

Hello again boys! I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me so I'm posting this thread to let you all know that I'm still alive I've been so out of touch with the hobby these past few months. Tell me... what have I been missing? Have you been missing me? I've had my baby and all is well in that arena. This new life of mine doesn't allow nearly as much free time to play around as my pre-baby life did. As of now I don't have any concrete plans on returning to the hobby. At least not how I did it before. I'm not one to say 'never' so I won't pretend that this is goodbye, but I don't plan to advertise. I will update my site with some post preggo pics but I'm in no rush about it. Actually I had planned to delete my site but I changed my mind. I will be deleting anything else related to Dirty Diana with the exception of my yahoo, p411, oThER & eccie accounts. As for my body, I'm pleased to announce that being pregnant didn't change me for the worse. It shot me up a cup size as well as a booty size hehe! My boobs & my butt got bigger but I still managed to maintain my slim figure. My belly was able to shrink a lot faster than I thought. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones Anyway, I just wanted to kinda peek my head in & see what's been going on around here lately and give you guys an update. Chat with you soon, maybe.......
Dirty Diana

I'm taking 'new baby' donations in the meantime for those of you nice guys & gals who just wanna help out.
congradulations diana.... good luck with the baby!
congradulations diana. good to hear you doing good. and good luck with your new life.

ps i be happy to give you a donation u using paypal?
that's sweet of you brother
DallasRain's Avatar
Congrats Diana!! {I am having a new grandbaby in August!!}!!!!

I wish you the best of luck in every situation you encounter!!!!
Congratulations Diana
tkdbf's Avatar
  • tkdbf
  • 05-27-2010, 07:42 PM
What up Dirty D! Glad to hear you and the new baby are doing good. I've missed having your wit on the board.
laoilman's Avatar
Glad to hear all is well. You have started a new chapter in your life which is a blessing. Hope you're getting some sleep! Good luck.
Congratulations on your new baby honey! So great to hear from you sexy mama!
thank you all for the well wishes! i'm having a wonderful time being a new mom. i was already a step mom but never have i ever had to care for a newborn full time. it's not as bad as everyone warned me, but then again she's still in the sleep/eat/shit phase lol! at least she sleeps most of the night so i am still able to get my beauty rest. oh, and that's very kind of you brother! i'm gonna pm you about that.
it looks like i missed christy loosing a few pounds while i was gone. i could be wrong, but you look a lot slimmer chica! congrats to you dallas on the grandbaby. you are one hottt granny lol! i miss keeping up with the board tkdbf. i see that i've been missing out on some drama here lately, i'm just glad i'm not in it this time hehe! it's funnier to just sit back & watch people make fools of themselves i'm gonna try to peek in during the week every now & then so i can stay in the loop.

Shamblin's Avatar
Congratulations, Diana and good to hear from you. Glad to hear you and the baby are doing well.
That's great news! Good for you and your family!
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks!! have fun babe!!!
HeatFlash3's Avatar
Congrats, D, and good luck :-D
gimme_that's Avatar
Congrats as well DD.