"A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet"

Vivienne Rey's Avatar
From TravelingGentleman's "Where are the Classy Girls?" thread:

A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet. A classy lady is definetly not selling her snatch here on ECCIE
Let the Butt hurt begin. Happy classy hobbying and whoring Peeps. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
This gave me pause. It speaks to how much influence our puritanical society still has over our views of the hobby and the people in it.

What say you, ladies and gents? Do you agree with this statement? Are "class" and "whore/john" mutually exclusive?

Thank you, SknyDiva, for the inspiration.
awl4knot's Avatar
There are many gentle women and men in the demimonde. Cash and class need not clash.
Class infers something a bit more refined. That said, I don't think I'd go so far as to say they are mutually exclusive. There are a lot of grey areas here. For instance, a date with a 'classy girl' may (or may not) include sex, but the focus is more on the date itself and the quality of the companionship. Whereas a date that is strictly sex (where the lady is selling sex and sex only) would definitely not qualify as 'classy.'
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-10-2015, 09:09 PM
Class infers something a bit more refined. That said, I don't think I'd go so far as to say they are mutually exclusive. There are a lot of grey areas here. For instance, a date with a 'classy girl' may (or may not) include sex, but the focus is more on the date itself and the quality of the companionship. Whereas a date that is strictly sex (where the lady is selling sex and sex only) would definitely not qualify as 'classy.' Originally Posted by VegasJen
So taking your definition, an afternoon I spent with you would qualify a classy. And I would wholeheartedly agree with that description. You are one very classy lady Miss Jen!
Thank you Old-T! We should do that again sometime... I'm in need of a good workout!
It honestly depends on the individual.

My personal definition of upper class is a person whose main income isn't from working. Work is done to maintain the fortune and you don't touch the sizable principal.

A man in the upper echelon generally have someone to arrange the minutiae of their day protected by iron clad non-disclosure agreements.

Some of them do not trust even their closest employees (which tells me they don't have a good enough lawyer or hiring manager) and end up searching for companionship themselves. They aren't used to making "small" decisions on their own so sometimes get the short end of the stick.

Many people posture about belonging to a certain class. If you have ever asked or gossiped about what your friend spent on something or other you don't belong. If the family doesn't own multiple vacation properties you don't belong. If you think trying to set clearly defined lines between the classes and is important you don't belong. You are born into this class. Who you associate with and what your current bank account looks like doesn't change that.

As for women in this business and being "classy" or not....the circumstances can vary.

A lady may have been born with a silver spoon but broke with the family over love and just now is realizing that to maintain the lifestyle she is accustomed to she has to provide. Or maybe she just likes the "thrill". Or perhaps the family has fallen on hard times after some bad investments. Who knows?

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs.
~Ynot~'s Avatar
It honestly depends on the individual.

My personal definition of upper class is a person whose main income isn't from working. Work is done to maintain the fortune and you don't touch the sizable principal.

A man in the upper echelon generally have someone to arrange the minutiae of their day protected by iron clad non-disclosure agreements.

Some of them do not trust even their closest employees (which tells me they don't have a good enough lawyer or hiring manager) and end up searching for companionship themselves. They aren't used to making "small" decisions on their own so sometimes get the short end of the stick.

Many people posture about belonging to a certain class. If you have ever asked or gossiped about what your friend spent on something or other you don't belong. If the family doesn't own multiple vacation properties you don't belong. If you think trying to set clearly defined lines between the classes and is important you don't belong. You are born into this class. Who you associate with and what your current bank account looks like doesn't change that.

As for women in this business and being "classy" or not....the circumstances can vary.

A lady may have been born with a silver spoon but broke with the family over love and just now is realizing that to maintain the lifestyle she is accustomed to she has to provide. Or maybe she just likes the "thrill". Or perhaps the family has fallen on hard times after some bad investments. Who knows?

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs. Originally Posted by SA Angel
Very well put Angel. I like your style.
I need to make ot to SA to meet you.
awl4knot's Avatar
It honestly depends on the individual.

My personal definition of upper class is a person whose main income isn't from working. Work is done to maintain the fortune and you don't touch the sizable principal.

A man in the upper echelon generally have someone to arrange the minutiae of their day protected by iron clad non-disclosure agreements.

Some of them do not trust even their closest employees (which tells me they don't have a good enough lawyer or hiring manager) and end up searching for companionship themselves. They aren't used to making "small" decisions on their own so sometimes get the short end of the stick.

Many people posture about belonging to a certain class. If you have ever asked or gossiped about what your friend spent on something or other you don't belong. If the family doesn't own multiple vacation properties you don't belong. If you think trying to set clearly defined lines between the classes and is important you don't belong. You are born into this class. Who you associate with and what your current bank account looks like doesn't change that.

As for women in this business and being "classy" or not....the circumstances can vary.

A lady may have been born with a silver spoon but broke with the family over love and just now is realizing that to maintain the lifestyle she is accustomed to she has to provide. Or maybe she just likes the "thrill". Or perhaps the family has fallen on hard times after some bad investments. Who knows?

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs. Originally Posted by SA Angel
I thought "Class will Tell." Are you saying that isn't true?
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

One person is purporting to speak for the entirety of the internet, and you give her too much credit.

I feel like I just had this same argument with Wakeup in another thread. Give it a read; I don't want to re-state the long explanations there.

I'll just summarize as this: Like attracts like; it's the law of attraction. Similarly, liars don't believe what others tell them. Similarly, people of crude humor, malicious intent, or base degradation expect everyone else to be the same.
I'll just summarize as this: Like attracts like; it's the law of attraction. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Not always true. With magnets, opposite poles attract.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Not always true. With magnets, opposite poles attract. Originally Posted by papadee
And we're talking about human nature, emotions and ego, none of which are variables in mechanical engineering.
A Companion can say she is classy, sophisticated, etc...all she wants and convince a gentleman she is by the way she dresses, acts or even the place she has you meet her at. After all, you alone together behind BCD. But how does she act when she's on your arm in public or any given social setting?

It is not hard to convince someone your something you not when there is no one else around. That's acting which is what a lot of companions do on a daily basis and that doesn't necessarily means she is "classy". It is how the lady dresses, speaks, handles herself and treats the gentleman she's with when not BCD that makes all the difference.

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs. Originally Posted by SA Angel
Obviously "classy" gentlemen find "hookers" on the internet day in and day out. The internet may not be the only means but it is the predominant option. And though there may be criticisms of this site, it is more prevalent in certain regions than some of the "high brow" review boards and paid advertising sites. Hence, many touring providers will post ads on here in addition to other venues when visiting Texas, Louisiana, etc.
And we're talking about human nature, emotions and ego, none of which are variables in mechanical engineering. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Human nature: A submissive person wants a dominant mate.