Special Requests

Like gentlemen, ladies may have special requests as well some in the pleasure realm others not so much. My question is does it strike you annoying when a young lady wants to meet a certain way..... say have coffee or a beer before being in private (of course this time is not included in price)? And if it were included in price, or say the young lady struck a bargain lets say $50 for a meet and greet donation would the gentleman be okay with that arrangement? I feel that this gives the two individuals involved a moment to meet and break the ice so that what follows isn't so robotic per say.
Please feel free to give me your opinions I'm new to the ECCIE family and was wondering. Thanks
awl4knot's Avatar
In nine years and with over 60 ladies I have only had two previews or auditions. One lady liked to meet at a local bar pre-session so that we could eyeball each other and gracefully back out if the vibe was not there. The vibe was good.

Another wanted to meet for a drink and appetizers to size each other up. We liked what we saw and stayed for dinner so my low risk event cost about $200. When we finally "met" I captioned the review "Best Sex Ever" which was true. That girl could bop.

I'm not sure I would pay for a preview meeting since they seem to be more beneficial to the lady. Reviews and websites generally tell me what I need to know.
I think that its great to meet with a new friend for a meet and greet session to alliviate any nerves and make for a better experience.
Wouldn't bother me at all. If both parties are agreeable to a meeting first, go for it. I personally wouldn't pay for the meeting. But i would enjoy that "date" feeling for sure. Wine and conversation then fun? Sign me up.
I think there's something to be said for that - the opportunity to connect mentally before getting into a more private setting. A mental / person to person connection first is what makes it personal, agreed! I've always had that kind of approach with each meet. Since the gentleman can read Reviews & our Websites, I don't see the need for a separate "meet & greet". Most of my gents are busy professionals. So it seems to work best to treat the entire session & my "friend" with that kind of "connect" & intimacy throughout our time together. And always a few minutes to chill & vibe at the beginning of each session.

It's always just an individual's choice though. I know ladies who request the "meet & greet" thing first every time. And I've also heard from guys who request that pre-session. Either way, as long as both parties are on the same page - it's all good!

Here is a thread that talks about what you are asking. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...ht=lunch+dates

Please don't use these types of meet and greets in place of screening. In fact good screening will pretty much eliminate the need for these types of meetings.

I see that you are new and from Atlanta. Feel free to send me a pm if you need any help.
Anytime both parties agree, its a great idea!
atlcomedy's Avatar
A "Meet & Greet" (usually coffee or a drink; sometimes, but considerably less often, a meal) is a very regular part of the Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy world. I don't want hijack this thread into a SB/SD thread or debates about SB/SD definitions or similarities/differences with escorts. I'll simply say in the last few years the SB/SD world seems to have grown considerably both in number of participants and popular culture awareness/media coverage and there is some blurring between escorts/sugar babies. That said it is not inconceivable that M&Gs (at either party's request) might move into the first date ritual with escorts.

As someone that plays in the SB/SD world, I can say I've found the M&Gs to be very helpful but I'm looking for something different than with an escort.

I can see where (from a guy's standpoint) a M&G might be a great way to minimize financial risk of having a bad session with an expensive woman we just don't have the right chemistry.

That said when I'm employing an escort what I'm looking for is a "sure thing" not a "well if we click I get lucky" kind of thing.

Depending on the guy's circumstances, meeting in a public place, no matter how discreet may simply not be an option.

Bottomline if you told me you wanted to meet for a drink before moving upstairs I'd probably say okay but how you framed the request (& the reason for it) would be important.
Meet and Greets are the best! Eliminates and awkward sessions.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Answering your question ----- Some guys will be annoyed. They want to get in, get off, get off again and get out. Those guys will want a quick visit, ½ hr or maybe longer ---- but it's about the bcd activities. They may not be the guys you prefer most often. Others will enjoy the extra time before the festivities start.

I think this business is to be enjoyable. A lady’s price structure encourages the types of meetings she enjoys. Her reputation also attracts the kind of approach and sessions she enjoys.

The main expectation of guys in this realm is having adult bcd time. How it starts is a personal preference. I have met ladies in just the manner you speak of. I’ve also met ladies in their room who have asked me if I had extra time for a drink first.

Maintain some flexibility, but otherwise let other’s know your preferences. There are plenty of guys who share those preferences.

Also, when you screen guys, do some research. It will give you clues about him.

I see from your website, you prefer longer sessions. Additionally, based on your discussion here, I don’t think you want pounding for the entire time unless mutual lustful chemistry exists.
I wanted to thank everybody for taking the time to think about my question and providing their opinions on this matter. I have done M&Gs before, usually right before the appointment truly begins. I always wondered what other ladies and especially the gentlemen thought of this practice.
The M&G for me is not to waste the time of my companion but to make sure that my companion is comfortable around me and can really let loose so that he can be open and honest about his needs and wants. I am such a caring person and it is so important for me to make sure that the people I interact with are cared for and as happy as can be. That being said I wouldn't expect my companion to donate monies to this time.
Think about it this way when you go to see the doctor he doesn't just walk into the room, lift your hospital gown and give you an abdominal exam. No, he walks in introduces himself and converses with you for a few moments leading you to being more relaxed and open to the exam.
While what I do is much different than a medical exam, in that it is much more connecting, how is it that something that is so cut and dry can involve more communication before hand? Anyone can have a good experience BCD, but to have a GREAT experience takes communication. This communication will not only enhance the experience but will keep the gentleman from investing in a bad deal, as AtlComedy stated.
Now that being said Ansley is right in saying that a M&G should never replace the screening process. In fact while on that topic, while I am new to this site, I highly believe that any lady should do most of her own foot work with the screening process. If she doesn't then it pretty much equates itself to her not caring about her safety nor the safety of those that she's with. Lets think about it this way, would you hand the keys of your home over to a complete stranger in hopes that they don't rob you blind in the process? I don't think so.
I do believe that M&Gs do toe the line of SB/SD experiences, however I also believe that M&Gs do take on a whole different level in that situation. As with all situations I believe that certain things are called for and that others things may not be necessary. To each his or her own and may all be happy with the outcome however the path to get there was taken.