SexyMelissa's Avatar
Hello everybody my name is SEXYMELISSA and the reason for my post is because I had a client falsify a review!!! He is using his position of authority to write something that isn't true. Let me come to my defense by explaining what really happened. I saw a client by the name of BADMF and requested to see me for an hour. After I checked out his references I went ahead and agreed. Wow! What a nightmare as I must say, now a month later I'm regretting even meeting with him. At first everything went well up until the middle of our session. He requested that we give each other massages, mind you I had already performed oral sex 3 times. It felt so good and relaxing when he gave me my massage that I didn't realize that I had snoozed off. It wasn't for a long time as he is trying to imply, I woke up right away and asked him if he wanted a massage in return. He agreed and we went ahead and continued with our session, it's going on 45 min by this time. He asked to not use protection for Full Service and I quickly denied due to personal reasons. Price does not matter when it comes to things like that. I WILL NOT DO GREEK AND I DON'T USE UNPROTECTED SEX!!!! I just had a baby eight months ago and am not trying to catch a disease or have a baby so of course I will turn it down in a heartbeat no matter the price. This seemed to have gotten him upset because he said he wasn't satisfied. I asked him " What do you mean your not satisfied?" He then said " Well other girls don't use protection". All I could say was that I'm not like all the other girls. He got up and got dressed. On the way out he said he was going to write a bad review if I didn't make it up to him. I stood there in shock just thinking about what to do. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me, the last guy got shortened 10 min of his session. Needless to say I promised to make it up to him but then took it upon himself to write a messed up review about me, not even giving me a chance to make it up. I lost out on a lot of money because of what he did, I had to lower my prices and give out specials until my clientele saw for themselves the kind of person I was. This guy realized that he wrote things out of anger and is still to this day trying to make it up to me. I didn't think something like this was going to happen again but I needed to speak in my defense. I am such a nice and loving person that I hate it when I get taken advantage of!!! BADMF you and TTMAXX are wrong for posting those bad things that you said!!! All of my other clients know that I'm nothing like that and have also came back to see me multiple times. And to think I was even willing to give him a free 30 min just so he wouldn't write a bad review. BADMF if it was such a bad experience like you said then why in the world did you reach out to me and asked to see if I was available? Obviously I did something right in order for you to come back. I even saw a client just yesterday and left with no complaints. That's not right that you are trying to slander my reputation by saying I live a crazy lifestyle, and in the process of trying to set up a makeup session you were insulting me left and right. You said It's obvious I don't have my shit together when your the one still throwing temper tantrums when shit don't go your way. I told you to have a good day and write whatever you wanted because I don't deserve to be insulted on top of being threatened!!!! I could be an ugly person and write some things about you that I didn't like either but i'm so much better than that. So as for TTMAXX if you thought I was some type of drug addict then why did you still continue and follow through with our half hour session? Had that been me, I would of got up and left the minute I think a person is doing and abusing drugs. I don't know why you would have to do things out of stupidity. I am far from being a drug addict junkie, I have 2 precious baby boys who I love very much and would never even think to put their lives in jeopardy. I am a very smart and classy girl which my other clients can back up, so if you think for a minute that your going to sabbotoge my business then think again!!!! God does not like ugly and that's all I have to say about that.....So ladies if your ever in a situation where you feel that you are being cohersed or forced to do things because of a review, bring it up to the moderator and he will be the one to give you some advice. THANK YOU, SEXYMELISSA
Slide It In's Avatar
You fell asleep? Classic!
  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 06:10 PM
Well on the bright side at least he didnt slip in in raw while you were napping .
SexyMelissa's Avatar
yeah I know right? LOL
  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 06:21 PM
Nice booty there by the way .
Nice booty there by the way . Originally Posted by D.G.
glade55's Avatar
Well on the bright side at least he didnt slip in in raw while you were napping . Originally Posted by D.G.
i would've..wait... what ..i agree nice ass Mel
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
That booty could launch a thousand ships (said the old Sailor). Nice...
  • Sia
  • 08-12-2015, 08:32 PM
I can fully understand your situation SexyMelissa I was in the same situation today . when these old timers that have been in the hobby all these years and see the new girls they think they can and will try to go above and beyond to get whatever they can off of you and went doesn't go their way they are quick to slander your name . you know what you have to do but don't stoop down to their level . at least I know not to see both of these drama queens !!!!

Take care babe and don't lose any sleep over this 💋
SexyMelissa's Avatar
Thanks Sia I really appreciate the feedback. The thing that cracks me up the most is when these old timers promise you that they'll become your regulars if you give them a special cheap price, once you agree then they will see you one more time and never call you back....NOW THAT'S A CLASSIC HA HA!!!! Or they will say, sorry babe but I only have so much can you do 100? LOL, SMH SILLY RABBIT TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Hey, you ladies DO know you're talking down, in an open forum, a group of mongers that often times have more $$$ to spend then younger guys. Just saying; generalize about us and reap the results....
Slide It In's Avatar
Classy ho's.....
Excuse me babe your ghettos showing.
Hey, you ladies DO know you're talking down, in an open forum, a group of mongers that often times have more $$$ to spend then younger guys. Just saying; generalize about us and reap the results.... Originally Posted by NavyManSA2004
I try to treat each lady with class as man of better values and neaver would write a bad review , nor threaten to write one , the asshole in question is unknown to me , but after 30 years of mining the earth for quality providers , I could see right thru some bs , I have seen it all and must way the responses that others left ,and think he may have gone off on some over expected results , bbbj x3 , should be a feat , in 1 hour , hold your head high and don't let 1 persons review tait you , as I stated you had two ways up or down , glad you chose up , hope to set a appointment some time
Position of power? You saw Bonn11?
  • BadMF
  • 08-13-2015, 07:07 AM
Holy shit! How much time did you waste creating that outright fiction novel? You didn't even start with the timeline right. This whole fiasco has happened in the last 10 days!

One question, Melissa. Who gave you access to the bcd stuff? It's pretty obvious you replied to what I wrote in ROS!

Second, if you were so in control of the situation, explain to your audience why you sent me a pm four hours after our session assuming we barebacked because you found some condoms you didn't use? Kind of supports the "you were so high you don't even remember what you are doing with guys," might it? At the moment, I got the impression that wasn't the first time that slip up had occurred.

Third, im confused because you even PM'd me the afternoon I wrote this review AGAIN to ask for the makeup because of the mixup earlier in the morning? It was pretty clear the morning the makeup was scheduled you were confusing at least two or three conversations, because you got attitude when you confused my offer of 60 extra to make it an hour so you could get something out of the deal as offering you 60 for an hour. I offered an extra 60 just so you could get something extra out of it. Had you only realized FIVE minutes earlier we agreed to the deal I would've had a makeup session and quietly moved on with my life.

See, I called you out on the party favors, and you admitted to taking a Vicodin right before our session and YOU offering to make it up to me agreeing your performance was substandard. Remember me when I called bullshit and told you I KNOW you weren't acting like somebody on vicodin? I honestly told you that your failure to be sober is dangerous and told you to get your shit together. That's what really upset you and then caused you to lose the chance to make it right.

You even had to get your wk's to write new reviews and specifically referencing the review I left. Pathetic for you and your boys.

I have absolutely nothing to lie about. I don't have the time or energy to make shit up. I legitimately tried to give you the chance to make up your poor performance, but you couldn't even get that right.

Had I known my powers you refer to, apparently I could own the world. Thanks for the compliment.

I wish you the best of luck, really. This pissing match can end now. You got to vent. I have countered. Put your energy into doing right by your clients and quit taking these huge risks that could affect everyone and you might be able to salvage your career as a hooker.

I'll reserve the right to correct the record of you want to continue your path of self destruction.