Mass Shooting In Orlando Florida Night Club.

Well, here we go again.

The shooting happenned at a Club frequented by Gay's. Was it a Hate crime? Terrorism? Deranged human?

Maybe all of the above.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A tie!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
It is shit like this i carry a gun and will use if i have too,I have lost all faith in muslimsthe time has come for them to leave our country bye chocice or force and today i would rather it be the later
Well, here we go again.

The shooting happenned at a Club frequented by Gay's. Was it a Hate crime? Terrorism? Deranged human?

Maybe all of the above. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If someone died at the hands of another then it's murder. The Media may use the word Terrorism, but it's still Murder. Murder overrides Terrorism. Not every terrorist act results in death. Besides that this incident could have been orchestrated like so many others.

If someone died at the hands of another then it's murder. The Media may use the word Terrorism, but it's still Murder. Murder overrides Terrorism. Not every terrorist act results in death. Besides that this incident could have been orchestrated like so many others.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
50 dead,53 wounded and jim is still on the orchestrated rant. LMAO
If this guy turns out to be a Muslim, the shit will hit the fan.

If this guy turns out to be a loaner who just wanted attention, the shit will hit the fan.

If he turns out to be a right wing fanatic, the shit will hit the fan.

If he turns out to be a left wing fanatic, the shit will hit the fan.

If he obtained his weapon, legally, the shit will hit the fan.

If he obtained his weapon illegally, the shit will hit the fan.

50 people are dead, countless wounded. Regardless of who, why, or what, the shit should hit the fan.
Hillary's worst nightmare: Muslims v. Gays. They are scrambling to find a new definition to call this as we speak.

Trump could not have asked for a luckier break, unless it was closer to the election.
If this guy turns out to be a Muslim, the shit will hit the fan.

If this guy turns out to be a loaner who just wanted attention, the shit will hit the fan.

If he turns out to be a right wing fanatic, the shit will hit the fan.

If he turns out to be a left wing fanatic, the shit will hit the fan.

If he obtained his weapon, legally, the shit will hit the fan.

If he obtained his weapon illegally, the shit will hit the fan.

50 people are dead, countless wounded. Regardless of who, why, or what, the shit should hit the fan. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's a lot of shit hitting the fan. Maybe that's all it really is.

50 dead,53 wounded and jim is still on the orchestrated rant. LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Shut up stupid.

LexusLover's Avatar
Well, here we go again.

The shooting happenned at a Club frequented by Gay's. Was it a Hate crime? Terrorism? Deranged human?

Maybe all of the above. Originally Posted by Jackie S
My vote is: All of the above.

One day the Liberals will wake up and smell the coffee: Gays are executed summarily by ISIS/ISIL. Persecuted like the Christians, who oppose same sex relationships! The "powers to be" will attempt to cover this up like the other shit in the sandbox for the past 7+ years.

Obaminable now has the worst mass shooting in the history of the U.S. in his "legacy"!

Was the one in California #2?
LexusLover's Avatar
Shut up stupid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
How could you expect someone as stupid as he is to "shut up"?

He's the one marginalizing, insulting, and vilifying GAYS!

He should be rejoicing their slaughter, it's folks like him that encourage this shit!
How could you expect someone as stupid as he is to "shut up"?

He's the one marginalizing, insulting, and vilifying GAYS!

He should be rejoicing their slaughter, it's folks like him that encourage this shit! Originally Posted by LexusLover
EKIM marginalizes, insults and vilifies gays on this web site but welcomes them with an open mouth and spread cheeks down at the 'holes ! He's still doin the lying liberal " deny, deny, deny " thinking that everyone will believe his lying , welshing, fudge packed ass that he doesn't swish when he walks.
LexusLover's Avatar
EKIM marginalizes, insults and vilifies gays on this web site but welcomes them with an open mouth and spread cheeks down at the 'holes ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
One should "respect" another ....

....who keeps his personal philosophy separate from his gainful employment!

But I'm sure its rare to be able to exercise one while enjoying the other, simultaneously!

What would you estimate ... he posted about 50 clown and tatted fag pictures?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If someone died at the hands of another then it's murder. The Media may use the word Terrorism, but it's still Murder. Murder overrides Terrorism. Not every terrorist act results in death. Besides that this incident could have been orchestrated like so many others.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

I was just watching Fox news and the interviewee kept saying criminal act.
I was just watching Fox news and the interviewee kept saying criminal act. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would say it was a criminal act first. I would refer to it as a Terrorist act if it was later confirmed there was a political connection, but that hasn't happened yet.
