HRC 4 President - Libyan success!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She's a pretty fucking slow learner, isn't she?
Check out fake 0zombieism... Hollyweirdism... NO WAY THIS IS REAL...

Fucking 0zombies...

.<--- yea this, 0zombie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is a war criminal. The only reason we took out Gadaffi was because he was threatening the dollar. It's all about profits for the owners of this country.
lustylad's Avatar
The only reason we took out Gadaffi was because he was threatening the dollar. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Qaddafi was "threatening the dollar"? What the fuck does that mean? Be specific and show some evidence for whatever it is you're claiming.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hillary is a war criminal. The only reason we took out Gadaffi was because he was threatening the dollar. It's all about profits for the owners of this country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Qaddafi was "threatening the dollar"? What the fuck does that mean? Be specific and show some evidence for whatever it is you're claiming. Originally Posted by lustylad
not the dollar, the Euro.

Quadaffi wanted the oil paid in gold.

this was a european operation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
not the dollar, the Euro.

Quadaffi wanted the oil paid in gold.

this was a european operation. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That was a threat to the dollar as well. Oil is traded in dollars. Gadaffi wanted to establish a gold based African currency. Could have spelled doom for fiat money.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Qaddafi was "threatening the dollar"? What the fuck does that mean? Be specific and show some evidence for whatever it is you're claiming. Originally Posted by lustylad
Check this out. The MSM lies.
lustylad's Avatar
Check this out. The MSM lies. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You can't explain anything in your own words, so you put up a nutty youtube video. For someone who claims to have taught university-level economics, that's pretty embarrassing.

So what if Gaddafi was proposing a gold-backed African currency? It never stood a chance, but even if it did, how would it be a "threat" to the dollar? The US fully supported the creation of the Euro back in 1999. Our trade with Europe far exceeds our trade with Africa. So why would we fear a common African currency?

So what if oil is priced in dollars? OPEC made that decision decades ago and can change it anytime. If they want oil to be priced in Euros or gold or pig testicles, it will just create new arbitrage opportunities for traders. Is that what you want? Add that to the price of your gas.

By the way, Gaddafi's stash of gold and silver to back an African dinar was only worth around $7 billion. That's chump change. The world consumes $1-3 trillion worth of oil a year. The value of oil futures and options traded and settled is a huge multiple of that. Good luck finding another currency that can knock the dollar off its pedestal and settle all those transactions.

Consider this... if all it takes to trigger a worldwide collapse of “fiat money” is for someone to issue a new gold-backed currency, why haven't the Russians done it? They have a lot more gold than Gaddafi and they're always looking for ways to exploit our weaknesses.

It's completely ludicrous to say things like "the only reason we took out Gaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar." At the time, Odumbo and hildebeest were eager to get on the "right side" of the Arab Spring. That's what primarily motivated them. The dollar - or some imagined "threat" to it - wasn't even close to being a factor. Please spare us your bumper-sticker slogans if you can't address my points intelligently.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn, you are a sucker for the MSM, aren't you, LustyLardo? Don't worry, the government won't lie to you, and they always have the best intentions.
lustylad's Avatar
Damn, you are a sucker for the MSM, aren't you, LustyLardo? Don't worry, the government won't lie to you, and they always have the best intentions. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What are you talking about? The government lies all the time. Especially about Libya. And I constantly point out those lies.

You're the one who would have us believe "the only reason we took out Qaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar". Yet you can't even begin to explain the nature of the supposed threat you say motivated us.

I'd say anyone who believes you is a sucker.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Damn, you are a sucker for the MSM, aren't you, LustyLardo? Don't worry, the government won't lie to you, and they always have the best intentions. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you need to think about the bigger game that is being played out.

the arab spring did play a role in that type of decision making.

the gold/euro/dollar may well have been a cover for their real agenda which is to destabilize the middle east by removing the dictators who kept their country stable.

apparently the NGOs were funding them with Obama's blessing.

I'm undecided on whether they succeeded or failed (backfired on them) on the arab spring agenda.

Yes, they got rid of the dictators, Quadafi, Mubarak and tried to do the same with Assad, but they got a different result which was disastrous.

Obama supported the muslim brotherhood govt. which was part of the arab spring in Egypt before they were overthrown.
Globalist's playing their games...

fuckem... by playing the DJT card!
The MOBOHOO, HilLIARy and the 0zombie King...LOL!

Ex-Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi Sentenced To Life In Prison…

Six months after the restabalization of Egypt elections were held and el-Sisi won the presidency with over 75% of the vote. It took President Obama over six weeks before he would call el-Sisi and make contact with the moderate leader. Sisi remains a widely popular leader (82% support) who was able to bring peace and stability along with a more secular outlook.

2 Mouches...

fuckem I hope this post gave some 0zombie a headache...
Hadn't Hillary noticed that kicking the props out from under an Arab dictator might produce very severe adverse consequences? Failure stacked atop failure.

From the reading I have done over the last few years, I'm under the impression that she must have been extremely eager to work with NATO on this as well as a variety of other issues, and for myriad reasons.

Additionally, Sarkozy, who was a driving force behind this deal, was desperately seeking in 2011 to divert attention from domestic issues and his sinking approval ratings. In fact, he later lost his re-election bid to "Mr. 75%" himself (Monsieur Hollande).

Of course, France had been meddling in much of Africa for many decades, so a little show of French military power was neither unexpected nor unwelcome to the French government. Additionally, Sarkozy was said to be interested in ensuring the uninterrupted flow of Libyan oil, although (at least in the near-to-intermediate term) in that regard, too, the operation backfired.

That was a threat to the dollar as well. Oil is traded in dollars. Gadaffi wanted to establish a gold based African currency. Could have spelled doom for fiat money. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Huh?? Doom for fiat money?

A little tinpot wannabe like Qaddafi had no more chance of disturbing the primacy of the world's major currencies than you and a dozen of your buddies would have of pooling your funds and making a successful run at effecting a hostile takeover of Exxon Mobil.

Since it's only five minutes long, and since I thought there might be some comedic value involved (since you posted it!), I took a look at that video. The guy actually said that Qaddafi's gold-backed "African Dinar" might threaten to "topple" the world's fiat currencies. (Yes, seriously. You just can't make this stuff up!) Completely laughable, but I remember when the conspiracy-mongering bullshit blogs lit up with this silliness.

Even if Qaddafi announced such a new currency, who would take it seriously? And to whom would he sell his oil if he demanded payment in the gold-backed currency? His fellow African Union Gold Dinar users? Good luck with that! Lustylad gave a good, quick overview of the issue. Read it and try to understand it. If you can.

Further, I recall noting at the time that Qaddafi's entire gold hoard was estimated to weigh in at approximately 140 tons. Do the math. That's considerably less than one day's worth of tax receipts to the U.S. Treasury. Do you understand the scale involved here?

Damn, you are a sucker for the MSM, aren't you, LustyLardo? Don't worry, the government won't lie to you, and they always have the best intentions. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What are you talking about? The government lies all the time. Especially about Libya. And I constantly point out those lies.

You're the one who would have us believe "the only reason we took out Qaddafi was because he was threatening the dollar". Yet you can't even begin to explain the nature of the supposed threat you say motivated us. He apparently doesn't understand this issue any better than he understands the FairTax (or taxation in general, for that matter).

I'd say anyone who believes you is a sucker. True that! Originally Posted by lustylad
COG has a longstanding habit of saying that anyone who doesn't buy into all his pet conspiracy bullshit must therefore be a dupe of the government or the media. Well, the representation of choices regarding the sources upon which one relies for information doesn't conform to discrete selection or binary choice models, does it?

Intelligent, well-informed people are always skeptical of government and media sources, but are capable of critical thinking and readily recognize conspiracy B.S. for what it is.