
Waste of time. Just spent an hour and a half driving through traffic to see her and when I get close she tells me I have to send her a nude or she won't give me the addy. Not like I could do it while I was driving down the highway but I wasn't about to pull over and do it either. Tells me she won't give me the addy unless i do. Told her to fuck off. At least she could have tried this bullshit when we first talked instead of waiting until I spent all that time driving.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
First I've heard of anyone asking for this. I understand Facetime or a face pic just to make sure we're not fugly. lol
  • M2003
  • 06-11-2024, 06:26 PM
why not just take a pic of your dick? or she wanted a full body pic?
Google “hairy fat naked man” and screenshot best of selection of pics that come up in Images. Works every time.
That's a pretty good idea, lol... otherwise, hell no.. I still don't understand the "end game", unless it's just someone playing on the phone for some reason... idk, with my luck, I'd just end up trying to explain to some cop somewhere why I have a pic of a "fat, hairy man" on my phone... especially if it isn't me... don't do it, dude, ... trust me...
Haha! You can delete it off your own phone and if a cop gets the pic on the other end, good proof it isn’t you.

But it is the perfect response to fuckery.