*ALERT* Link inside to Ad from listcrawler, Robbed

at Knifepoint New Years Day morning around 6AM.

Saw an ad on Listcrawler got my attention and shot off a text on Monday afternoon. Reply that girl would be able to see me 01/01 around 5 or 6 am in the 45/Wayside area. She claimed to be Mexican/Filipino which is very attractive allure for me. Quoted 60 QV & 80 HH. Agreed to time for HH. Around 5AM texted that I was headed there and texted when I got to the area.
Given the address of 1615 Wayside and headed over. I thought the area would be around Telephone Rd but was actually in an area that I wasn't familiar with a few miles the other side of 45. Kinda looked rough, but I wasn't paying attention or on my guard(never again).
Arrived to very small notel of 6 or so rooms and was told to come to room 2. Entered the room and the girl was the 1 in the pictures. After about 5-10 minutes of getting started (but not FS) suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. I jumped up and started dressing and she did the same. Waited for 5 minutes until I thought it was okay, and was thinking about trying to finish when BAM BAM I mean sounded like a sledge hammer on the door and then the lock was turning as I grabbed the knob to keep it from unlocking but the dude was about to kick the door in. Opened as I was gonna try to make a run for my car but a MS-13 type gangbanger was standing there coming at me with a blade.

I cooperated, he took my wallet, keys, and cell phone. After going through my vehicle he took whatever he felt had value then demanded my debit pin.

Took off in his vehicle with my items to go get cash, gone about 20 minutes girl stayed locked in the room except to open the door to confirm my PIN over the phone again. He got $500.

He returned and after a few minutes of verifying that he had all my credit cards FINALLY agreed to throw my key in the vehicle as I pleaded to leave. Begged for my phone and he agreed to give it to me if I followed him to the gas station to make sure he got gas on my card.
Done and he dropped my phone on the passenger side and I rolled.. quickly.
Cancelled the cards when I got home. I had my phone and vehicle back unharmed- AS WAS I!! Thankfully!

Sorry for the long detailed story but I felt like I needed to get this out. Hobbying for 30 something years and this was probably the worst situation I have ever been in.

I did not make police report, too embarrassed and fortunately the only real damage was cancelled cards from credit/banks.

Ads are still active:
Lucious Lexxy:
also on Escortfish:

Thanks for listening, hope I can help someone else from becoming a victim.
Super Head 713's Avatar
He should be on worlds dumbest criminals
The1Slayer's Avatar
kerwil62's Avatar
New Year, same bullshit.

Sorry that happened to you OP. You made a few mistakes going to see this hoe. Glad you're safe.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey OP...thanks for sharing but this story is so fantastically crazy I don't know where to start. This guy robbed you thoroughly. But let me ask since you were so compliant what would you have done had he told you to bend over and then started to rape you. Its jail bird cats out here that will do that...same as the other Darwin story posted here. Yall seem so unprepared for anything. Outside of raping you he could have kidnapped you drove you to your house and then made you give up all your prized possessions. Yall have to start thinking ahead. It's only gonna get worse out here and yall continue to present yourselves as sheep and sitting ducks.

Again to the guy that robbed you and may be reading this...you sorry batards lucky yall know how to pick the right marks. Count your lucky stars is all I can say.

I cant believe cats out here robbing people with knives in 2019. dude would be turned into a sloppy enchilada with cheese Lol
Biggie_Smalls's Avatar
+1 ^

I know sometimes it is harder to think with the brain head but gawdamn use it a couple times. As far as being prepared you gotta be prepared for shituations like these. Don't take anything BUT cash and keys when hobbying. Leave all shit somewhere in safe spot until leaving.

I have also taken self defense classes enough to fight off a fucktard with a knife let alone "gat." BUT I understand your life is worth more than some BS like this.

Safe hobbying and be safe.
Good points above for sure. Yes, I had become complacent in my hobbying and when the little head saw something that it liked, I was caught with my pants down LITERALLY. Once I got over the initial shock:
I actually had originally thought this was her boyfriend and it wasn't a setup, since she 1st thing told me she had a boyfriend but didn't know where he was(just somewhere in H-town). So my shock was that a Jealous BF was about to make me pay for being with his girl. Then it started to dawn on me when he just was robbing me. I thought he was gonna take my car to the bank but he just got my stuff, locked it up and took off. I had a piece hidden under the back seat(a 9) and in my desperation while waiting on him to get back(also a couple other creeps 2 doors down that kept asking if all was good- I keep saying NO, but he say yeah, I worried about them since 1 kept telling me step away from his ride which I wasn't really at)
It crossed my mind being desperate- that I could bash my back glass and grab my piece. But I really don't know if I was ready to use it and kept hoping for a peaceful resolution.

As you say life is worth more than something worse happening or "no life"
  • dmode
  • 01-03-2019, 11:42 AM
Carry a gun and practice using it at least once a week. I'd leave my wallet at home before I leave a gun. Fuck all that.
VitaMan's Avatar
Thanks for the post - because dead men tell no tales.

Imho, a violent encounter in this hobby is not worth it. Walk away
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Carry a gun and practice using it at least once a week. I'd leave my wallet at home before I leave a gun. Fuck all that. Originally Posted by dmode
^ Facts. Like Game said you either caught with it or caught without it.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Imho, a violent encounter in this hobby is not worth it. Walk away Originally Posted by VitaMan
Bullshit. Maybe not most but definitely some. Who gives a fuck if its hobby related or not when your life is on the line. I swear you guys will keep getting beat the fuck up and robbed as long as you have your kinda mindset.
  • dmode
  • 01-03-2019, 06:29 PM
Bullshit. Maybe not most but definitely some. Who gives a fuck if its hobby related or not when your life is on the line. I swear you guys will keep getting beat the fuck up and robbed as long as you have your kinda mindset. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No shit. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Russ38's Avatar

45/Wayside Originally Posted by steelerfootballrulez
^^^^ All the info one needs to know.....

Not saying I’ve never had a hobby experience in that area before....but if someone comes at me with a “blade”.....they are getting a chest full of Hydra-Shoks long before....
U should have called cops from motel. This is where u think they will arrest u.....wrong.....50/50 but u being handled, robbed, scammed, all the above, they will go after the punks hands down. Sure you might make a dumb John list for watch.

Think Brooke and ladies have helped many girls that got taken advantage of with no arrest.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-06-2019, 04:51 AM
bro, if nothing else, look for gals about whom i say "she legit" in the Comments section of LC. if you roll in my wake, you will have no issues. i use the same handle on all hobby sites. i love ListCrawler-way better than BP-and i've discovered multiple diamonds in the rough, including some true pornstars that would go toe to toe with the finest escorts on eccie/oh2, but for 1/3 the donations..

i had some bad experiences early on in the hobby, but i aint ever been robbed face to face, nor will i ever be. that's a diss sir, unfortunately, and i would not let such fuckery pass unanswered. i recently had a 2 pimp session bust-in situation-they had a room key which the gal had given them-on LC, and they got exactly zilch from me. i also destroyed this chick's biz on LC, cause almost everyone knows me there.

btw, the chick you saw looks kinda chubby to me, and not at all attractive..

finally, shout out to all h-towners, from Seattle, WA..