Unemployment extensions ending...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I know that someone of you depend on your benefits but some states are now cancelling the 99 week extensions. Guess they forgot to tell the world but they will find out next week. Of course this was passed when the democrats controlled both houses and the White House to come to an end now. More states will lose their extensions in September and once you no longer qualify, you fall off the rolls and unemployment goes down...just in time for the election. Democrats playing with your lives and enjoying your pain because it means votes to them.
LovingKayla's Avatar
That's exactly what they're doing.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-12-2012, 05:59 AM
Well then let the GOP controlled House extend them!

Damn you two Kool -aide drinkers crack me up!
will you have to go back to work JD ???
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-12-2012, 07:16 AM
will you have to go back to work JD ??? Originally Posted by ekim008

What a plan the Dems have, keep everybody of assistance until the election nears and then kick'em off! What numb nuts would hatch something like that? Better yet what numb nuts would believe that shit!

Alright, I'm off to Cali for some well deserved R&R, you boys hold down the fort.
Guest042413's Avatar
I know that someone of you depend on your benefits but some states are now cancelling the 99 week extensions. Guess they forgot to tell the world but they will find out next week. Of course this was passed when the democrats controlled both houses and the White House to come to an end now. More states will lose their extensions in September and once you no longer qualify, you fall off the rolls and unemployment goes down...just in time for the election. Democrats playing with your lives and enjoying your pain because it means votes to them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Amen I Know I Was Affected BP Being Hott Isnt Helping Either Mine Ended 2 Weeks Ago With No Warning
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Unemployment benefits are like crutches.

They are meant to help you walk through hard times, but only temporarily.

As it was the benefits were extended several times.

The hard reality of life is that if people become dependent on crutches indefinitely then they

. . . they will never learn to walk!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
the main point is that the White House and the democratic party are playing with people's live to get some political gain. The timing was set up just in time for elections. Same thing for the student loan program. It was designed to end in July of this year for a reason. Lets not forget our military with all the time tables for withdrawal, or wait, we will be staying longer until we withdraw. Theiy are letting people get killed or mired in misery for their political gain. What a disgusting pack of slugs the democrats are and I know some idiot is going to wrtie that the GOP does it too. Then back it up and show some facts.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, actually that is only the point that you were trying to make, but it is not the whole picture.

That is merely an indicator of how cynical you have become and frankly, I just do not buy it.

. . . I believe that a good doctor must remove the crutches from a reluctant patient at some time for the good of the patient, but some cynics may read in their own biased opinions into the prescription.

Well, actually that is only the point that you were trying to make, but it is not the whole picture.

That is merely an indicator of how cynical you have become and frankly, I just do not buy it.

. . . I believe that a good doctor must remove the crutches from a reluctant patient at some time for the good of the patient, but some cynics may read in their own biased opinions into the prescription.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
That's great and all, but where are all of the jobs?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
That chart does paint a dismal picture.

But how accurate are those figures anyway?

The unemployment rate has been dropping, but of course, the Republicans spin those numbers away and discount their meaning to suit their political aims.

The reality is that if you can't find work nearby then you have to go to where the work is. Sometimes you have to learn a new skill.

I have in
past hard times had to resort to the hardship of going to other countries to ply my own specialized trade.

. . .
Things did dry up in 2008 courtesy of Bush, but things have definitely been steadily picking up since 2011 and I expect things to improve even more!

Amen I Know I Was Affected BP Being Hott Isnt Helping Either Mine Ended 2 Weeks Ago With No Warning Originally Posted by oLiViA88
Hotness, why were you on unemployment?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This means that less people will be receiving unemployment benefits which means that the way the government looks at it, there will be a big drop in the unemployed.
They wont have jobs but they wont get counted either. so unemployment drops and the President will say, look at the unemployment numbers; I have don a great job.
This means that less people will be receiving unemployment benefits which means that the way the government looks at it, there will be a big drop in the unemployed.
They wont have jobs but they wont get counted either. so unemployment drops and the President will say, look at the unemployment numbers; I have don a great job. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This is a good post. If you calculate unemployment the same way that they did in the 80's (called the U-6), then you would end up at 15% unemployment right now. John Williams says it's really at 22% but I'm not sure how he calculated that number.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They rig the number just like they do for inflation.
No inflation means no COLA for SS recipients, which means a lot.
In the meantime they inflate our currency and or debt holders are getting screwed, not to mention everyone that is planning on retirement.
The really bad thing is that China is not going to put up with us ripping them off forever.
SS recipients dont have much say except at the voting booth. This is a prime reason that the Democrats falsely claim the other side is trying to kill the SS recipients. Lots of old people vote.

Not much difference in the way they race bait to keep the Negroes on the Democrat plantation.