LA...I mean, SA Raiders?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-12-2016, 12:19 AM
It will never happen.

Once again Davis is using the SA move as leverage to get what he wants in Oakland. This is what, the third time now this same story as come up? It will have the same ending.
Precious_b's Avatar
Your right, Mokoa.
We would have to give them the keys to the city.
The City Manage won't even budge for the Police/Firemen
oldtiger's Avatar
As a member of the Alamo Chapter of the Donkey Nation: "OH HELL NO!"
Actually mokoa i hope it's different this time only because the spurs keep throwing these other minor league teams at us. Fuck'em.
golfnwine's Avatar
SATX could never find enough corporate or rich citizens to support the sky boxes.
It takes a lot of big businesses to pull this off.
AT&T even pulled their corporate offices from here since it's such a minor league city.
BUT if HITTINIT wins the powerball it'll be a different story.
golfnwine's Avatar
Actually mokoa i hope it's different this time only because the spurs keep throwing these other minor league teams at us. Fuck'em. Originally Posted by hittinit
The Spurs have a deal they made when they built the AT&T center that all city and county land is controlled by the Spurs for any sporting team.
Only Gordon Hartman owned land for soccer and he even sold that to the city and county so the Spurs control it now.
Joe Buck's Avatar
The Alamodome is a great place to watch a game but with a capacity of 65,000 no where near big enough to house an NFL team and I don't think the city or county is going to cough up close to a billion dollars (which is what AT&T Stadium cost) to build a new stadium. I am sure the local population would love to have an NFL team but I think the price tag is too high and folks wouldn't want to pay it.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-12-2016, 11:41 PM
Actually mokoa i hope it's different this time only because the spurs keep throwing these other minor league teams at us. Fuck'em. Originally Posted by hittinit
Hey, I would not mind at all if there was another major league team of some kind here. I have lived in other metropolitan areas that had such things and it was great. It was nice to see the Cubs in the spring, the Bears in the fall and the Blackhawks in the winter.

An NFL team? Here? No way.

It's just that this town and its citizenry simply does not have the money publicly or privately to support such an obscenely expensive enterprise.
Love Your Zoo's Avatar
Well let the hype begin, with St Louis & San Diego now approved for LA. I read that Mark Davis owns a tract of property between SA & Austin.

Although I agree with you Mokoa, it will never happen, the hype will begin swirling now.

Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Oakland A's make more sense,SA can't support an NFL team period. A's,Rangers,Astros wold be a good combo,although one of them would need to be in the NL, my choice would be Rangers. JS

MLS would do well here also.IMO
FootLong's Avatar
Jerry Jones will never allow an NFL team here. It's a big Cowboys market.
Oakland A's make more sense,SA can't support an NFL team period. A's,Rangers,Astros wold be a good combo,although one of them would need to be in the NL, my choice would be Rangers. JS

MLS would do well here also.IMO Originally Posted by Keyzer Soze
NFL no, MLB absolutely.

I wouldn't support a Raider nation and am in fact a Raider hater. Hoping they do not come here.

The Astros vs Rangers games in the dome have been fun to watch. Those teams have large fan bases already, don't see them moving here. Never know though. Not sure which team is looking to move, but I'd go to the games just to go, regardless of who was playing. Would love to catch a Red Sox game here though if we had a team.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Dr.G. I was not suggesting that Astros or Rangers move here,but that the Oakland A's,make the move. Rangers reference was about them switching leagues from the Al to the NL. Not sure it will ever happen,but it would be nice.
BigKat74's Avatar
With the population of the San Antonio metro area and Austin metro combined, which is roughly 4.3 million, it makes sense for a team to come here. There are enough large businesses and corporations in both cities that would purchase sky boxes and season tickets. The tourism industry in San Antonio is huge, that alone would also help put asses in seats. Also the average median income in San Antonio is actually more than Austin I believe, which isn't really an argument anyway because Green Bay and Buffalo have more "blue collar" demographics in the sense of family income but those teams thrive. The Raiders coming here also opens up South Texas to having an option to see an NFL team that they wouldn't have to drive 6-8 hours to see.

I'm a longtime Cowboy fan, but I ain't gonna say no if my boss wants to give me some tickets to see the Raiders.